
The Consultants for Impact (formerly the Effective Altruism Consulting Network (EACN) is a professional network ofNetwork) helps prospective, current, former, and prospective business former consultants optimize their careers and donations to maximize their impact. They help consultants who are interested in effective altruism.

The EACN seeks to facilitate its members' engagement with effective altruism ideas by providing the timedemonstrate strong management, strategic, and space for consultants to explore how to apply them to career and donation decisions, both during their time in consulting and afterwards. (Most consultants only work in consulting 2-5 years before exiting to work in industry, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, or the public sector). EACN programming includes: talent matching of members tooperational skills find high-impact organizations, 1-opportunities in policy, charity entrepreneurship, leadership (and many more) roles at high-impact organizations. 


To date, Consultants for Impact has provided 1:1 career conversations, weekend retreats, networking events, and the development of professional-targeted resources like the member network directory,  bi-weekly job blasts, the Career Check-In Template and Annual Giving Guide

The organization includessupport to over 500 membersconsultants, meaningfully helped facilitate 30+ high-impact career transitions, and supports the leaders of EAseeded active workplace groups at each10 top consulting firms. They currently provide the following services, free of charge: 

  • Talent Referrals: Working with EA hiring managers directly to identify top candidates for especially promising roles and organizations 
  • Career Conversations: Structured, one-on-one career plan development calls with experienced advisors
  • Weekend Retreats: Immersive programs for consultants exploring pivots to higher-impact work featuring speakers, workshops, and relationship-building
  • Job Blast: A biweekly newsletter highlighting the largesttop 10 high-impact roles best suited for consultants
  • Workplace Groups: Coordinating and supporting impact-driven communities within top consulting firms, including Accenture, Bain, Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte, Kearney, McKinsey, BCG, and Oliver Wyman.


  • Custom Resources: Giving guidescareer reflection templates, interviews with former consultants, and other tools to support members’ decision-making processes. 

As of January 2023,Consultants for Impact has been supported by grants from Open Philanthropy since 2022. Before 2022, they received $150,000+, across several grants, from the EACN has received over $300,000 in funding from Effective Altruism Infrastructure FundsOpen Philanthropy, and the Center for Effective AltruismAltruism.

building effective altruismcareer advising | career capital  | consultancyeffective givingeffective altruism groupsentrepreneurship  | networkNetwork building | online effective altruism  |   operationsCause prioritization | workplace groupsMoral circle expansion | entrepreneurshipITN framework | Ambition | Career advising | Career capital | Career choice | Career framework | Earning to give | Effective altruism hiring | Entrepreneurship | Job profile | Job satisfaction | Operations | Personal fit | Replaceability | Research careers | Role impact | Supportive conditions | Working at EA vs. non-EA orgs | Impact assessment

The EACN seeks to facilitate its members' engagement with effective altruism ideas by providing the time and space for consultants to explore how to apply them to career and donation decisions, both during their time in consulting and afterwards. (Most consultants only work in consulting 2-5 years before exiting to work in industry, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, or the public sector). EACN programming includes: talent matching of members to high-impact organizations, 1-1 career conversations, weekend retreats, networking events, and the development of professional-targeted resources like the member network directory,  bi-weekly job blasts, the Career Check-In Template and Annual Giving Guide

The Effective Altruism Consulting Network (EACN) (EACN) is a professional network of current, former, and prospective business networkingconsultants organization for management consultantswho are interested in effective altruism.

The EACN seeks to facilitate its members' engagement with effective altruism ideas by providing the time and discussion ofspace for consultants to explore how to apply them to career and donation decisions, both during their time in consulting and afterwards. (Many(Most consultants stayonly work in consulting only 2-5 years before workingexiting to work in industry, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, or the public sector.)

sector). EACN hasprogramming includes: talent matching of members into high-impact organizations, 1-1 career conversations, weekend retreats, networking events, and the development of professional-targeted resources like bi-weekly job blasts, the Career Check-In Template and Annual Giving Guide

The organization includes over 500 members and supports the leaders of EA workplace groups at each of the largest consulting firms, including Accenture, Bain & Company,Bain, Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte, Kearney, McKinsey, and McKinsey & Company. Oliver Wyman.

As of July 2022,January 2023, the EACN has received $120,over $300,000 in funding from Effective Altruism Infrastructure FundsOpen Philanthropy, and the Center for Effective Altruism.[1] 

Effective Altruism and Consulting Network. Official website. Website

Apply for a jobLinkedIn Group.

Facebook Group

building effective altruismcareer advising | career capital  | consultancyeffective givingeffective altruism groupsentrepreneurship  | network buildingonline effective altruism  |   operationsworkplace groups  entrepreneurship 

The Effective Altruism and Consulting Network (EACN) is a networking organization for management consultants interested in effective altruism.

EACN seeks to facilitate its members' engagement with effective altruism ideas and discussion of how to apply them to career and donation decisions, both during their time in consulting and afterwards. (Many consultants stay in consulting only 2-5 years before working in industry, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, or the public sector.)

EACN has members in each of the largest consulting firms, including Accenture, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey & Company. 


As of July 2022, EACN has received $120,000 in funding from Effective Altruism Funds.[1]

  1. ^

    Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (2021) May-August 2021: EA Infrastructure Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, August.

The Effective Altruism &and Consulting Network (EACN) is a networking organization for management consultants interested in effective altruism.

EACN seeks to facilitate its members' engagement with effective altruism ideas and discussion of how to apply them to career and donation decisions, both during their time in consulting and afterwards. (Many consultants stay in consulting only 2-5 years before working in industry, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, or the public sector.)

EACN has members in each of the largest consulting firms, including Accenture, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey & Company. 

The Effective Altruism and& Consulting Network (EACN) is a networking organization for management consultants interested in effective altruism.

EACN seeks to facilitate discussions about waysits members' engagement with effective altruism ideas and discussion of how to apply them to career and donation decisions, both during their time in whichconsulting and afterwards. (Many consultants can help each other and to promote effective givingstay in consulting only 2-5 years before working in industry, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, or the consultancypublic sector.)

EACN has members in each of the largest consulting firms, including Accenture, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey & Company. 

The Effective Altruism and Consulting Network (EACN) is a community of more than 200networking organization for management consultants across the globe aimed at spreading the idea of EA within the consulting industry and beyond. The organization aims at maximizing the social impact of its members by fostering a network of like-minded professionals, investing time and given resources strategically on and off the job, and donating effectively. The interested in effective altruism.

EACN serves as a platformseeks to discuss howfacilitate discussions about ways in which consultants can help others as much as possible through each stage of one's professional careerother and how to promote effective giving in the industry.

Eachconsultancy sector. EACN has members in each of the biggest consultancies (McKinsey, BCG, Bain,largest consulting firms, including Accenture, etc.) is represented in the network with one key contact per company responsible for driving core EA-ideas internally. Building on that, quarterly check-in calls for those company nodes ensure that best practices are exchanged,Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and benefits of scale are utilized.McKinsey & Company. 

The Effective Altruism and Consulting Network (EACN) is a community of more than 200 consultants across the globe aimed at spreading the idea of EA within the consulting industry and beyond. The organization aims at maximizing the social impact of its members by fostering a network of like-minded professionals, investing time and given resources strategically on and off the job, and donating effectively. The EAC-NetworkEACN serves as a platform to discuss how consultants can help others as much as possible through each stage of one's professional career and how to promote effective giving in the industry. 

Each of the biggest consultancies (McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Accenture, etc.) is represented in the network with one key contact per company responsible for driving core EA-ideas internally. Building on that, quarterly check-in calls for those company nodes ensure that best practices are exchanged, and benefits of scale are utilized.  

External Linkslinks

Effective Altruism and Consulting Network. Official Website: https://www.eac-network.com website.