Rethink Wellbeing was founded in early 20222023 by Dr Inga Grossman[1] with the support of a team of four. It outperformed two other mental health-related pilot projects that the team tested,tested the year before, one of which also received seed funding from the EAIF.[2] In its first year, Rethink Wellbeing successfully piloted its first flagship program, the CBT Lab, indicating effectiveness and demand within the target group. They are now focused on scaling their services to reach more ambitious altruists and further increase their cost-effectiveness. 

Applied to MHFC Fall '23 Grants Round ago

Rethink Wellbeing (RW) offers proven, engagingengaging, and affordable programs to nurture mental wellbeing and resilience at scale. Rethink Wellbeing acts as an impact multiplier: their programs are specially designed to help ambitiously altruistic individuals who are dedicated to improving the world feel and perform better, supercharging their ability to do good in the

Rethink Wellbeing was founded in early 2022 by Dr Inga Grossman[1], together with the support of a team of four. It was the most promising of threeoutperformed two other mental health-related project ideaspilot projects that the team tested.tested, one of which also received seed funding from the EAIF.[2] In its first year, Rethink Wellbeing successfully piloted its first flagship program, the CBT Lab, indicating effectiveness and demand within the target group. They are now focused on scaling their services to reach more ambitious altruists and further increase their cost-effectiveness. 

As of October 2024, Rethink Wellbeing has supported over 200 ambitious altruists. They still have four employees in the core team and a network of 50+ volunteers and advisorsadvisors.[2]3].

Rethink Wellbeing facilitates 8-16-week guided online mental health programs for ambitious altruists, including The CBT Lab and The IFS Lab–Lab – both group-based peer support formats guided by trained laypeople. In each program, participants learn to apply evidence-based psychotherapeutic and behaviour change methods to improve their mental wellbeing and thereby their productivity.

~10% of money and time invested in EA is lost to poor mental health:

  • An estimated 1 in 3 ambitious altruists experience poor mental health.
  • Many ambitious altruists work in demanding roleshealth[4] which likely drives a significant and are at higher risk of burnout, perfectionism, lack of self-care, anxiety and hopelessness.
  • Poor mental health has been shown to drive a large and likely linear loss in productivity, e.g. 35% for depression.
  • Estimating 10,000productivity.[5] Rethink Wellbeing’s goal is to foster mental wellbeing at scale within the altruistic community and contribute to a culture of sustainable high performance. In 2025, Rethink Wellbeing aims to support over 150 effective altruists via their standardized program, and deliver at least one additional pilot to test ideas to increase cost-effectiveness. Their latest effectiveness evaluation suggests that achieving this goal would unlock productivity benefits equivalent to increasing the EA members, we lose ~2.4 Mio productive hours yearly (~1,200workforce by 30 full-time equivalents)positions.

Based on the 2023 program study, participants in If you would like to use Rethink Wellbeing’s data to independently verify the results, or for your own research please reach out.

Key outcomes of the 2024 CBT Lab increased theirPeer Support program included productivity by ~5-9gains equivalent to 8 additional weekly working hours per week and decreased their mental health burden (including symptoms of depression and anxiety) by ~16-28%[3].a greater wellbeing increase than from becoming partnered or finding employment.

The research is longitudinal and employs gold-standard methods used in clinical...

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