Danielle MacLean

Comms & Marketing @ Marketing Growth Lab
64 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)Vancouver, BC, Canada



Hi! 👋 I have 20 years' experience in global marketing, comms, and strategy and use these skills to help EA organizations maximize their impact. I've previously worked as the Global Head of Marketing for SaaS companies but have since launched Marketing Growth Lab an EA comms & marketing consultancy to create more good in the world. Feel free to say hi!

How others can help me

Know an organization where comms support could help maximize their impact? Feel free to introduce us. 

How I can help others

I can help with communications, marketing, content, community building, leadership, and strategy. More specifically, this includes PR, SEO, content strategy, email marketing, awareness campaigns, digital marketing, data analysis, market research, conversion optimization, and more. I'm happy to share any nuggets that may help others along their EA paths - or even just a chat about any of these topics!


Great question Gergo!  Tickets are available up until the event on April 4.  However, there is a risk that they sell out before then, as seat are limited - so we recommend locking in your spots ASAP. 

Great tips!

If I can share one more thing, it's that if you're on the fence about attending an EAG, DO IT.

Being in the same room as hundreds of other passionate people working hard to change the world - there's nothing quite like it.

After coming back from EAG Bay Area this past weekend, I'm leaving so inspired by all the AI organizations out there doing incredible work!

My take, with 20 years experience in communication & marketing, is that we need people doing comms work - sharing the work being done by these organizations to help enact change in the world.  

By communicating the results of the great work being done to the right target audiences, we can maximize the chances of change being enacted. 

Just wanted to say, for anyone on the fence about attending these conferences, DO IT!

I just returned from it, and am leaving lit up and inspired about all the people and organizations working so hard to change the world.  There's a lot of negativity out there, but also - so much great working being done.

If you're considering diving in deeper into EA, please do it (and tell everyone you know!).