
46 karmaJoined


Answer by isla421

TLDR: Generalist with 2-3 years experience in qualitative research and project delivery. I've worked on 7 different projects in EA-land including cause area mapping for fish welfare in China, an x-risk fellowship, and (kinda) co-founding an EA org. 

Skills & background: 

I think I'm unusually warm, organised, good at appearing traditionally professional, and motivated by those early-stage feelings of latent potential in a project. 

  • General competencies: qualitative research, writing, organisational strategy, ops, partnership-building, collaborating remotely, community-building 
  • Research skills: semi-structured interviews, weighted factor models, ToC, methods in social science (MSc level - focus groups, case studies, causal inference in R), literature reviews
  • Language skills: English C2 (native); B1/B2 Mandarin, Spanish, and French (working proficiency)
  • Cause area knowledge: China and global priorities, farmed animal welfare, global catastrophic risks
  • Currently most excited about: impact evaluation, deliberative democracy/collective intelligence/ participatory methods, data visualisation, becoming an excellent communicator 

Work samples: I ran a citizen's jury on AI, I lead the writing of a scoping report on fish welfare in China, I was part of a team interviewing 15 China-facing academics, I made a 30-minute documentary during my stay at rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in Kunming. 

Location/remote: Preference for remote anywhere and/or positions that could hire me from Taiwan, Spain, USA (Pacific North West), Indonesia, or Southern China. 

Availability & type of work: Preference for full-time, remote anywhere work with an immediate start date. 


Sample CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bNi9kmJRtrw6Ykfscdy1wYnhssO5MTt8/view?usp=sharing 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/islagibson1998/ 

Email: islagibson@tutanota.com 

Thanks for sharing Anthony! Would you consider summarising your ideas, perhaps with a traditional ‘TLDR’ at the top? I’m guessing needing to navigate to a blog post and then a Google Docs, without any summary of the ideas, is a bit too much effort for most readers

Could someone explain to me the meaning of 'paradigm' in this context? E.g. '10-30 years to go through a paradigm'