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Tl;dr - This is a curated and useful list of farmed animal advocacy resources that came out in 2023. We (Impactful Animal Advocacy) sent this compilation out in our free bi-weekly newsletter and thought it might be helpful to others in the EA community.

There is is not a comprehensive collection of all resources, but if we missed any that you found significant from 2023, feel free to add as a comment.

Enjoy and here is to even more impact for the animals in 2024!🎉

Acknowledgements: thanks so much to our Comms Lead Allison Agnello for this edition, as well as our readers, who viewed this newsletter 20,000 times in 2023! 🙏



Over the past 12 months of curating Impactful Animal Advocacy (IAA) newsletters, we’ve noticed several trends. Here are two that are prominent in our collection of 2023 resources:

🏗️ Movement infrastructure

In the animal advocacy movement’s growth this year, we’ve seen an increase in services provided directly to animal advocates or organizations. There has been so many new initiatives that we developed a Meta resources wiki to keep track of them all! This expansion reflects a recognition of the diverse needs within the community and how projects can benefit from support and area specialization. Here are a few categories of increased infrastructure:

📏 Refining how we measure and compare across species

Given the large number of possible ways to help animals, selecting the most impactful approach can be challenging. This year, we've witnessed a increase in research accessibility and applicability for advocates. This is not just about providing information — it's about helping us integrate this knowledge into practical strategies. As a result, advocates may be better equipped to make informed decisions on where to focus their efforts across different species and geographic regions. Here are a few projects we’ve seen trying to answer key questions:


Updates we found helpful

So much has happened this year. Here are a few articles to catch you up 👇

🧐 Looking back at 2023

🧠 Some lessons learned



🌱 Getting started

New animal subgroups resources:

Find a job:

Get funding:

Attend an event or conference

Other information databases:

📣 Advocacy resources

For org leaders:

For communicators & journalists:

Animal Charity Evaluators updates:

New Vegan Hacktivist projects:

  • Today for Animals, a web app that encourages small, daily actions
  • Granti, a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the grant management process for both grantees and funders


📚 Research resources

Connect with a research community:

Some of our favorite work from Faunalytics:


💼 Continuing education

This year, several new courses for animal advocates came out!

New university programs launched:


🤖 AI+Animals resources

Artificial intelligence is an upcoming transformative technology that will (and is currently) impacting animals.

Learn about the intersection of AI and animals:

How to use generative AI in your advocacy:

Stay updated & engaged: 

More resources:


🎧 Media resources


Conference recordings

We (IAA) attended several conferences this year and found them very valuable! It’s why we created a Conferences Database and have shared session recordings:

🎧Podcast roundup (a → z)

In each newsletter, we share newly released podcast episodes. Here are the podcast channels themselves — feel free to subscribe, listen, and maybe even write a review if you’ve enjoyed their content.

📹Documentaries and films


Peter Singer releases

Essential Guide for Animal Advocacy, Animal Advocacy Careers’ free e-book


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  • Subscribe for free to receive such updates every two weeks and share this post/newsletter with your colleagues and friends
  • Leave us a review for the newsletter - it helps us promote it to more animal advocates 
  • Donate - even a small amount can help us keep this newsletter going in 2024 and help more advocates make more impact for the animals. ❤️️





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