
I’m an eccentric existentialist philosopher and education mindset user, specializing in applied metacognition.  

How others can help me

I'm looking to test and demonstrate a toolbox of foundational concepts to help people frame problems and solutions constructively by describing as simply as possible what matters most.  The toolbox includes basic definitions for motivations, liabilities, constructive principles, mindsets for solving different kinds of problems, and attributes for comparison and tracking personal development.  

How I can help others

Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about communicating concepts or clarifying situations.  


We could devote 100% of currently available resources to existential risk reduction, live in austerity, and never be finished ensuring our own survival.  However, if increase the value of futures where we survive, we will develop more and more resources that can then be put to existential risk reduction.  People will be not only happier, but also more capable and skilled, when we create a world where people can thrive rather than just survive.  The highest quality futures are the most robust.