
4245 karmaJoined



I work at CEA on the Community Health team doing deep dives into concerns within the EA or adjacent communities. Feel free to reach out to me with any reports or concerns about conduct related to the EA community, whether involving people, spaces, or organizations (explicitly EA or not). I'm happy to talk about vague or small concerns.

(Opinions here my own by default though will sometimes speak in a professional capacity).

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Topic contributions

We’ve started adding support for search operators in the search text box. Right now you can use the “user” operator to filter by author, and the “topic” operator to filter by topic, though these will currently only do exact matches and are case-sensitive. Note that there is already a topic filter on the left side, if that is more convenient for you.


Oooh I'm especially excited for this for comments, but it looks like it doesn't work for comments, is that right?

I like the idea of past editions living somewhere (do they now?) to avoid link rot and allow looking at the history of things and etc. Maybe I'd advocate for putting them all somewhere CEA owns as well in case substack stops being the right place.

I think it might describe how some people experienced internal double cruxing. I wouldn't be that surprised if some people also found the 'debugging" frame in general to give too much agency to others relative to themselves, I feel like I've heard that discussed.

Love this, and love that there was also audio

Post: OAI NDA drama, do we know that Anthropic does not do similar things? I heard something that reassured me but I no longer know what it was. Interested in what people have heard or know (feel free to DM me) or general takes on the sitaution.

Huh - this both feels like something I'm sympathetic to worrying about and matches what I've seen people say about similar issues around the internet. Why does it seem uncharitable to you?

I appreciate the tone and my read of the aim of this - feels like it's trying to clarify what's at stake and cause more understanding and better discussion. 

I'm not sure what you mean by "real way". One of the central ways it's culturally understood that that word and certain uses of "gay" are bad to use is to be contemptuous about things one doesn't like or are insufficiently masculine. That seems like an important and real way it can be used for harm, not only literally meaning to call a gay person a slur.

I appreciate you writing this up. I think it might be worth people who know him putting some effort into setting up a chat. Very plausibly people are and I don't know anything about it, but people might also underweight the value of a face to face conversation coming from someone who understands you and shares a lot of your worldview expressing concerns.

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