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RCT-informed interventions focused on the poorest will not increase demand for factory farmed meat - only broad based economic growth will do this. So one solution is to focus on micro interventions targeted at the extreme poor.

Another solution is to support the alternative proteins sector in LMICs, which could enable some degree of “leapfrogging” factory farmed meat and reduce carbon emissions.

In terms of changes in status and what people are doing:

  • pivot from AI safety technical research to AI governance policy work
  • pivot from broader biosecurity to intersection of AI and bio
  • adoption of progress studies ideas / adoption of metascience and innovation policy as a priority cause area
  • taking broad-based economic growth seriously rather than a sole focus on randomista development
  • greater general engagement with politics
  • further reduction in focus on effective giving, increased focus on career impact

I don’t think the Global Health and Animal Welfare cause areas have changed too much, but probably get a smaller proportion of attention.

Yep, I think credibility and credentials in policy advocacy are very important, especially when you need to build networks sort of from scratch. Perhaps AIM can pay attention to this aspect going forward when founding more policy oriented charities?

I think this is a really important point. My “public sphere” of EA has very little longtermism just because of who I happen to follow / what I happen to read.

Unrelated to this post, but FYI I think some of the downvotes you’ve received on other posts are because generic productivity advice at least usually isn’t a category of post which this forum is intended for. (Also, most EAs are the types of people who are probably familiar with most e genetic productivity tips already).

Exceptions may be if it is a long list, or something that has been extremely novel or life-changing for you.

Your productivity tips may be better off being posted as Shortform instead of as Posts.

I think there is a very strong right-wing case to be made for alt proteins, i.e, “This is an example of how private businesses can solve climate change via capitalism and innovation”, and alt protein advocates should be making this case inside right wing political parties.

Is the impact of falling birth rates expected to be so large that we won't be able to sustain innovation through other means (eg - directing far more resources towards innovation, optimising the innovation process etc)?

Even more reason to think that transitioning to socialism is not tractable - some people will fight against it like hell!

"Thinking in terms of group rather than individual agency makes transition from capitalism to socialism appear more tractable."

I disagree. There is a long history of large, organised, and well-funded groups failing to engineer transitions to socialism within individual countries, let alone a global transition to socialism.

I'd also like to add "backlash effects" to this, and specifically effects where advocacy for AI Safety policy ideas which are far outside the Overton Window have the inadvertent effect of mobilising coalitions who are already opposed to AI Safety policies.

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