Henri Thunberg

Development Officer @ Rethink Priorities
328 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)


  • Received career coaching from 80,000 Hours
  • Attended more than three meetings with a local EA group
  • Attended an EAGx conference
  • Attended an EA Global conference
  • Completed the Precipice Reading Group


You can now find a recording of the webinar on this link.
Thank you to those that attended, and contributed with meaningful questions!

Thank you for the work that you do – the forum is one of the best products I use that just WORKS! :)

FWIW I think the Norwegian main talent pipeline is from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), e.g. see this post, rather than University of Oslo. The community there has been going strong there for 10 years.

Welcome to the forum simoj!

I think this might not be a great idea, due to uncertainties in what would happen with the allocated charity budget if it doesn't get donated right now. It's quite possible that the counterfactual is low, so we should probably not invest more into the ecosystem at this point — in particular when things are so up in the air about the future of the platform.

On the other hand, by filling the gap for 2024 we think there is over a 90% chance that we will be able to reach a sustainability tipping point i.e. have a viable income stream for at least 1 FTE and therefore avoid similar threats in the future. 

Is your claim that for funding of 2025, you will have ≥1 FTE funding (120k >loty / 29k USD) ready at the end of 2024 – excluding Open Philanthropy, EA Infrastructure Fund, and Meta Charity Funders? Or does the statement permit grants from those sources? 

5. [...] Wouldn't it be better to give them the money and letting them choose the best charity that's gone unfunded from their applicant pool?

FWIW, I don't think this Meta Charity Funders' model. I think they let funders join rather than donate to a pool. As far as I understand, after joining you access communal resources to best decide on grants – but the decision itself of where to donate remains with yourself as original funder.

This looks great, thank you for doing work to increase excitement about effective giving further!

For those interested, I created a Manifold market for the Donation Election, where people can add their own charities and bets on how the funds will be distributed.

It seems obvious to me that numerous stakeholders-- including organization leaders, donors of all sizes, group leaders, and entrepreneurs-- would all benefit from having an accurate understanding of EA’s growth trajectory. And it seems just as obvious that it would be tremendously inefficient for each of those parties to conduct their own analysis. It would be in everyone’s interest to receive a regular (every 3-6 months?) update from a reliable analyst. This wouldn’t be expensive (it wouldn’t require anything close to a full-time job initially, though the frequency and/or depth of the analyses could be scaled up if people saw value in doing so). As public goods go, this should be an easy one to provide.


Quick vibe-check from Rethink Priorities: Could people react with Agree or Disagree if you think EA Infrastructure Fund (as an example) paying for the Surveys & Data Analysis team of Rethink Priorities to do this (say, for a trial period of one year), would be money well spent?

I understand it depends on scope and price, but as a general direction this information would be useful. We agree this seems important, have done similar work before for other organizations, and would be happy to take on such a project.

(I think the links in the summary are linking to a collaborative edit version of this doc, rather than the places you want it to)

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