Similar to:
Allowing people from all over the world to vote on global issues.
(this is assuming we have global governance)
I support three policies regarding factory farming:
1️⃣ Remove agricultural subsidies
2️⃣ Charge for externalities such as CO2eq emissions (methane)
3️⃣ Ban it outright
Twitter thread about it:
Someone was able to share this link:
Just because some groups advocate for welfare improvements as a way to get their foot in the door with the public or corporations doesn’t mean that they have any desire to legitimize the use of animals. Rather, they believe, as has been my personal experience during my time in grassroots activism, that people are more willing to listen to your points and arguments if you meet them where they stand.
I believe that radical approach is much better.
1️⃣ Remove agricultural subsidies
2️⃣ Charge for externalities such as CO2eq emissions (methane)
3️⃣ Ban it outright
Valuable resource:
"people are more willing to listen to your points and arguments if you meet them where they stand"
Global (baseline) Education Curriculum
Getting people aligned, avoiding division, humans on this planet are in the same team.
By creating a basic program and common understanding it will be much easier to implement any of the global policies required to handle climate change.
Some of the proposed subjects:
(naturally, we need to be careful so that it is not hijacked by bad actors)
On the fundamental level humans around the world share so many values, everyone shares similar needs. Every major religion is against theft, murder, rape.
If we align education, that will help mitigate the conflicts and agree on short-term sacrifices.
(such as cutting CO2 emissions)
☝️ ☝️ ☝️ would be great to utilize XPRIZE technology and let it run without a teacher.