Nan Chen

4 karmaJoined


Project proposal: An app that is like a website blocker like Freedom, but instead of blocking a website, the user can set a maximum amount of money to be donated to charity per week. Any amount of time that is spent on a website (YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, etc) more than a specified amount of time (also set by the user) will be translated to a monetary amount to be donated to a charity(ies) of choice. Like Freedom, the app aims to curtail too much web use/wasting time. 

Example: I set the app so that I have a maximum of $100 a week and one hour of surfing YT per day. At the end of the week I have spent a total of 58 minutes over my allotted time (7 hours). That means the app will automatically give $58 dollars that week to e.g. UNICEF using my credit card. 

The app has the advantage over Freedom of adding a monetary incentive to decrease internet use above a set time. It also will habitualize and normalize charity giving for those using it.