

Fresh graduate who has started off as a volunteer for ALLFED (Alliance to feed the Earth in disasters) in the communications and operations department. My interests are in Marketing, Governance, Corporate Finance, Consulting and EA aligned Management.

I am also looking after EA Kolkata in India.


Beautifully articulated throughout and especially when you write “stop thinking and just ship it” is as much of an avoidance strategy as “you can’t ship things until they’re perfect”. Activated some of my grey cells out there. In need of more such pieces on the forum.

The last three questions in this post were areas of my personal curiosity since my EA In-depth fellowship days. Hoping to have some anwers in any of the upcoming posts.

Hi Harfe, it is inspired by his article, not an actual list from him.

Hi Heramb! Thanks for bringing this up. Here's Nik Samoylov's (the contest organizer) reply - What I meant is to take it from an idea and make it into a concrete draft legal document. P.S: The post has been updated!

Thanks to you too for gracing the event with your presence! 😇

Thank you for the feedback Felix! Indeed, there was a smile on my face while writing! ☺

Wow! Beautifully written Jeff!

My god! This truly made me smile😂. EA Humor is a thing, I just discovered 😂.

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