Nick Kautz

8 karmaJoined


Where does forgiveness fit in here.  Forgiveness being one of the primary ingredients of a fullfilling life and a keystone of wisdom throughout the ages.  No one should ever be entirely condemned, at the very least they are something to be studied and understood.  Everyone should have a path to redemption should they choose to take it.  Otherwise you just create embittered, dangerous outcasts with nothing to lose.  One of those people may discover they have the ability to amass great wealth and/or power quickly and don't experience or express emotion like normal people, making them uniquely capable of exacting revenge on those that sided with media sensationalism and agenda driven prosecutors over his authentic words.

People speaking up at risk to themselves does come with increased credibility and/or deserves attention, especially when it's in opposition to a dogpiley bandwagon narrative that many people may feel obligated to be on the safe side of, without actually knowing or caring much about the matter.... or because they might feel slightly less insignificant watching the downfall of someone who had accomplished (and given) more in a couple years than they will do in a lifetime.