It's funny, I came with the same idea and implemented it in the social network I'm building
I'm also planning to make it EA aligned at the core.
Some extra questions to think about or just have fun:
1 - Should the feed promote EA aligned posts over others?
2- Should we optimise for active users? Number of posts? Happiness?
3- Should it be running in a centralised server (like EA forum?) or in a decentralised way?
4- What should be the role of crypto inside the social network, if any?
5 - Should users control the network by coin voting?
6- Should users be able to fork the network and quickly create a spin-off?
7 - How should it create revenue and re-direct it to altruistic causes?
I hope is enough to kick start some conversation as I believe having a better social networks and aligned to EA values is vital.
I made a similar question yesterday without being aware of this one