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Animal Ethics| Suffering Focused Ethics | GCR | EA community Building


Upvoted! I liked the reasoning of your post, Highlighting the qualitative difference assuming non aggregationism , to show how they both need to be represented in their own seperate horrors. I think most animal activists use this analogy mainly to immediately communicate the badness of animal agriculture industry. Which is that since most of the audience is densensitized to animal torture, comparing it to holocaust, provokes the audience member to compare and justify how it is different from the holocaust. This might be net negative strategy but might occasionally cause a shift in the attitude. I am not sure of it's effectiveness, however I think your article makes a good case.

Answer by S_Adi4

Not that I know off , but this was a study published by Animal Ethics about Wildlfires in Madrid in case this could be helpful -

Initial thoughts: Very much needed! Strong upvote. Also found the AA Africa study of Asia quite useful. Context sensitive country based research is the need of the hour. And once we have the problems/solutions, I also feel we currently fall short on the ability of operationalising the solutions within orga. Looking forward to more SER work in Animal advocacy especially in global South.

Answer by S_Adi4

I find it hard to convince myself that acts that promote speciesist attitudes (harming animals and ignoring their interests) wilfully can cause the best consequences for animals in the long term. It is currently empirically hard to compare the suffering due to hobby fishing, large scale fishing, bottom trawling, where fishes are asphyxiated, pierced etc. with that of being eaten by predators/disease/other natural harms,. I think a better strategy is to raise concern about animal suffering (anti- speciesism) and the natural harms they suffer,  while also researching what their welfare in the wild is and best ways to improve their wellbeing. Actively harming them in pursuit of saving them from wild harms seems to me sub optimal in terms of the overall consequences , at best we could promote sterilants or transform their ecosystemic factors to reduce suffering. It's also important to consdier the flow through effects.

Answer by S_Adi8

Animal Ethics is looking to hire people from Asia and Africa.
"Are you concerned about the plight of domesticated and wild animals? Do you want to make a positive change for all sentient beings? So do we, and we are looking to make contact with people in Africa and Asia who are interested in working with us. We periodically have paid and volunteer positions. If you think you might be interested now or in the future, please get in touch. See more details at the bottom of this blog post or fill out our expression of interest form by August 15."

Answer by S_Adi2

I would be interested in the following

  • Theory of change for animal liberation/ animal rights/ animal advocacy- Tobias Baumann/ Jamie Harris or someone from Animal Think Tank/ Open Phil - Maybe a talk followed by discussion - I think we still lack clarity on what kind of milestones should the movement optimise for the collective progress and structural changes needed, I think the development of the EAA movement is still quite dispersed and needs more discussion and coherence.
  • Talks exploring different considerations on Wild Animal Suffering both regarding outreach and academic research- Maybe representatives of Animal Ethics- Oscar Horta based on the recent blog post they published, or Wild Animal Initiative.
  • Session on insect welfare policy- I think we are at the right time to have an influence over the insect farming industry. Given that it is at a nascent stage, and the stakes are high, my opinion is it is of high importance to invest more discussion into this area. Speakers - Maybe from Rethink Priorities new org on Insect welfare?
  • Also I think learning more about the animal welfare movement from less talked about regions would be valuable i.e South east Asia, South America, Africa
  • Recent developments in the cellular ag/ clean meat industry and discussion on their technological feasibility-  folks from New Harvest and GFI?

Has the result analysis of the above survey been shared somewhere?

The authors cautiously conclude that “striving to eat a plant-based diet with lower intake of animal fats may be linked to better mental health” and express hope that, with further research, plant-based diets could one day be a considered as part of “front-line treatment for mood disorders.”-

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