Venkat IWT

Founder @ India Welfare Trust
2 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)


This is a good introduction. Hopefully we'll delve more into things like- 
1. Breadth v/s depth- teaching alphabets to 10K kids v/s making 500 kids well educated enough to earn a livelihood thru their education and to think critically. 
2. The "WHY" of some assumptions- e.g., why is it really necessary to think of humanity surviving beyond a century- and the scope for people to hold differing views on these
3. Comparing across causes- is saving the life of a 60 year old more important than preventing a 16 year old girl from being trafficked for prostitution? 
4. Broadening ideas like "helping better decision making" to include ideas like promoting philanthropy to create MORE resources. The current thinking seems to assume that EA is operating in a zero sum game, which may not be the case, and one could argue that "promoting giving" can be even more effective.