Warren H

0 karmaJoined Pursuing an associate's degreeLongmont, CO, USA


I'm still new to the Effective Altruism community and in need of career guidance. I'll be working with the advisors at 80k Hours soon. 

How others can help me

I'm looking for mentorship from an experienced member in the Effective Altruism community that could connect me with others in Colorado.

How I can help others

I'd like to build up the Effective Altruism community in Colorado. I'm especially interested in restoring the now defunct Denver Effective Altruism Group. I think there are many experienced professionals in tech in the region who could contribute to the movement.


Warren H
43% disagree

Survival doesn't in and of itself amount to a meaningful life. Generally, there ought to be a sweet spot between the two. If taken to the extreme, all resources that do not contribute to the subsistence of life is wasted. I don't agree that we ought to live that way, and I think most people would support that conclusion.