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tl;dr  Cases I found against OpenAI. All are US-based. First ten focus on copyright.

 1. Joseph Saveri Firm:  overview, complaint

 2. Joseph Saveri Firm:  overview, complaint
 3. Authors Guild & Alter:  overview, complaint
 4. Nicholas Gage:  overview & complaint

 5. Millette: overview, complaint

 6. New York Times:  overview, complaint
 7. Intercept Media:  overview, complaint
 8. Raw Story & Alternet:  overview, complaint
 9. Denver Post & seven others:  overview, complaint
 10. Center for Investigative Reporting: overview, complaint

11. Clarkson Firm:  overview, complaint
12. Glancy Firm:  overview, complaint

13. Mark Walters:  overview, complaint

Mission betrayal
14. Elon Musk:  overview, complaint
15. Tony Trupia:  overview, complaint

That last lawsuit by a friend of mine has stalled. A few cases were partially dismissed.
Also, a cybersecurity expert filed a complaint to Polish DPA (technically not a lawsuit).
For lawsuits filed against other AI companies, see this running list.

Most legal actions right now focus on data rights. In the future, I expect many more legal actions focussed on workers' rights, product liability, and environmental regulations.

If you are interested to fund legal actions outside the US:

  • Three projects I'm collaborating on with creatives, coders, and lawyers.
  • Legal Priorities was almost funded last year to research promising legal directions.
  • European Guild for AI Regulation is making headway but is seriously underfunded.
  • A UK firm wants to sue for workplace malpractice during ChatGPT development. 

Folks to follow for legal insights:

  • Luiza Jarovsky, an academic who posts AI court cases and privacy compliance tips
  • Margot Kaminski, an academic who posts about harm-based legal approaches
  • Aaron Moss, a copyright attorney who posts sharp analysis of which suits suck
  • Andres Guadamuz, an academic who posts analysis with a techno-positive bent
  • Neil Turkewitz, a recording industry veteran who posts on law in support of artists
  • Alex Champandard, a ML researcher who revealed CSAM in largest image dataset
  • Trevor Baylis, a creative professional experienced in suing and winning

Manifold also has prediction markets:

Have you been looking into legal actions?  Curious then for your thoughts.




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Thanks for making the list Remmelt!

Not sure how important this one is, but Air Canada recently had to comply to a refund policy made up by its own chatbot.

Thanks! Also a good example of lots of complaints being prepared now by individuals

Obvious point that it would be neat for someone to write forecasting questions for each one, if there can be some easy way of doing so. 

Actually, looks like there is a thirteenth lawsuit that was filed outside the US.

A class-action privacy lawsuit filed in Israel back in April 2023.

Wondering if this is still ongoing: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/630376275/first-class-action-lawsuit-against-openai-the-district-court-in-israel-approved-suing-openai-in-a-class-action-lawsuit

Workers' rights are usually under the umbrella of systematic violations of rights, a term usually associated with Human rights. We can use similar pointers and forecast questions/solutions. Some would overlap with data mining and fair use —which are hardly followed. It is not very hard for an average company to see the pivots created by OpenAI's crisis management team. OpenAI research leads say their recent model is trained on a combination of data that's publicly available as well as data that OpenAI has licensed, but they can't go into much detail on it.

The last part is no easy feat for anyone to dive into. This conversation came out less than two days ago and seemed quite intentional. We can safely assume that this is going to be the new norm for addressing lawsuits. It is admissible in all the formal proceedings, after all. It is important to note that, statements like: in some ways, we really see modeling reality as the first step to be able to transcend it, are meticulously said in the end. I don't think anyone would want to deal with them and get stuck in an expensive limbo beyond control, which OpenAI can afford.

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