This morning, Reddit began this year's April Fools prank, r/place, where communities of Reddit users can collaboratively draw images in a 1000 x 1000 pixel space by placing 1 pixel every 5 minutes. This has been done once before, and resulted in this viral image which was seen by many people around the world.
Contributing to draw the EA logo seems like a relatively low-effort, high-reward way to promote EA! Of course, this is with the caveat that if you're doing other high-impact work right now, it might not be the best use of your time to sit around drawing pixels every 5 minutes. I for one am in a car on the way to EAGxBoston, so I'll be working on it.
I drafted up a template for drawing the effective altruism logo. My thought is that we can start in the bottom right and work up to the whole lightbulb, then do the text as a stretch goal. If anyone has suggestions for a better way to organize this, let me know! Feel free to spread the word to Discord servers etc. that might be interested.
While the OP's effort didn't end up working,
amuch smaller alternate effort has been somewhat successful. The logo is at(1644,570)and coordination is atr/EffectiveAltruism.Note that I don't actually believe this is a good use of our time; it is unlikely to result in any sort of outreach without text next to the logo, and not only does it seem unlikely that text will persist, but also the small size means it will likely get no play when the final r/Place image gets shared around online. Nevertheless, it seems like a number of EAs are interested in doing this, so I thought it might be relevant to post their success here.
EDIT: I crossed out the above because we had to relocate to
(1906,587).However, we have successfully been able to put up the EA logo plus the url! I'm impressed by the effort that some of our redditors have.While it may not exactly be the best use of any one person's time, and there was somewhat significant effort (by 2–3 redditors) put into negotiating with nearby subreddits, it appears that a discord channel of relatively few EAs has been successful at this communications project. Please check out the image live by clicking the coordinates above, or you can see a screenshot here.
The intention from here is to defend the text from trolls so that it makes it to the final canvas when the r/Place event ends.
EDIT 2: The EA logo+text is now located at (957,1772). We are stable in this new location, thanks to help from several surrounding communities. You can see what we look like by clicking the coordinates link.
The letters are being typed out next to the logo now with surprisingly little resistance! Holding on to it may be difficult, but we've already secured a spot on the timelapses that millions will see on youtube this way (though they will have to look at the right time in the right place of course)