My vegan nutrition project has focused on supplements, but there have been several requests for resources on how to eat better. I'm not well equipped to answer this- I'm not vegan, and my stomach only got even passably good at digestion a year ago. So I'd like to crowdsource this question: what resources have you found useful in eating well while eliminating or reducing animal products?
My existing list focuses on overviews and onboarding guides, but I think things like recipe books would also be useful.
- is the number one resource I see cited, by both people I know and other vegan websites.
- guide is far from comprehensive but seems extremely approachable.
- A reader pointed me to spreadsheet, which links to a number of resources.
- Lincoln Quirk's Practical Plant-Based Meal Planning for Groups
Have people found these helpful? Are there other things that are better, or fill in a gap? How did you learn to cook well?
Diet and supplements overlap but there is already a supplements post and I don't want to split the information, so please lean food-based here.
Im recently trying these out. I found the relevant bits (see timestamps in the video description) of this podcast quite convincing. There's another related one on gut health. It's very critical of processed foods, which sounded right but I found it a bit thin on details.