If you substantially changed your mind on this issue (e.g. flip the sign, or move towards a more/less extreme position), how would your actions change?
If the specific wording of the debate topic isn't a crux for you on anything important, I'd be interested in what your actual cruxes are (as opposed to anchoring on the specific wording of the debate).
Feel free to add caveats and constraints on your reasoning :)
Some general musings:
- My guess is discussions like this are more productive if people understand what is personally at stake for you (versus some abstract actor / "EA")
- And maybe you should deprioritize figuring this question out if you don't think it's a crux for you.
- Pre-registering this seems good for avoiding post-hoc rationalization
- I'm more motivated to help someone work through their thinking if I know what's at stake for them (versus just improving models in general).
I would almost certainly add an animal welfare charity to my charitable giving portfolio.
I previously had the Good Food Institute in the portfolio before financial challenges led me to trim it, so I might bring that back, or do some more research into the most effective animal welfare charity and add it alongside AMF and GiveDirectly as my primary contributions.
Given that it seems a solid majority of EAs on the forum seem to strongly favour animal welfare with very rigorous arguments for it, and my propensity to weigh "wisdom of crowds" majority opinion as evidence towards a given view, I'm actually leaning towards actually doing this.