The more I think about "counterfactual robustness", the more I think consciousness is absurd.
Counterfactual robustness implies for animal (including human) brains, that even if the presence of a neuron (or specific connection) during a given sequence of brain activity didn't affect that sequence (i.e. the neuron didn't fire, and if it had disappeared, the activity would have been the same), the presence of that neuron can still matter for what exactly was experienced and whether anything was experienced at all, because it could have made a difference in counterfactual sequences that didn't happen. That seems unphysical, since we're saying that even if something made no actual physical difference, it can still make a difference for subjective experience. And, of course, since those neurons don't affect neural activity by hypothesis, their disappearance during those sequences where they have no influence wouldn't affect reports, either! So, no physical influence and no difference in reports. How could those missing neurons possibly matter during that sequence? Einstein derided quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance". Counterfactual robustness seems like "spooky action from alternate histories".
To really drive the point home: if you were being tortured, would it stop feeling bad if those temporarily unused neurons (had) just disappeared, but you acted no differently? Would you be screaming and begging, but unconscious?
So, surely we must reject counterfactual robustness. Then, it seems that what we're left with is that your experiences are reducible to just the patterns of actual physical events in your brain, probably roughly reducible to your neurons that actually fired and the actual signals sent between them. So, we should be some kind of identity theorist.
But neurons don't seem special, and if you reject counterfactual robustness, then it's hard to see how we wouldn't find consciousness everywhere, and not only that, but maybe even human-like experiences, like the feeling of being tortured, could be widespread in mundane places, like in the interactions between particles in walls. That seems very weird and unsettling.
Maybe we're lucky and the brain activity patterns responsible for morally relevant experiences are complex enough that they're rare in practice, though. That would be somewhat reassuring if it turns out to be true, but I'd also like whether or not my walls are being tortured to not depend too much on how many particles there are and how much they interact in basically random ways. My understanding is that the ways out (without accepting the unphysical) that don't depend on this kind of empirical luck require pretty hard physical assumptions (or even worse, biological substrationist assumptions 🤮) that would prevent us from recognizing beings functionally equivalent and overall very similar to humans as conscious, which also seems wrong. Type identity theory with detailed types (e.g. involving actual biological neurons) is one such approach.
But if we really want to be able to abstract away almost all of the physical details and just look at a causal chain of events and interactions, then we should go with a fairly abstract/substrate-independent type identity theory go with something like token identity theory/anomalous realism and accept the possibility of tortured walls. Or, we could accept a huge and probably ad hoc disjunction of physical details, "mental states such as pain could eventually be identified with the (potentially infinite) disjunctive physical state of, say, c-fiber excitation (in humans), d-fiber excitation (in mollusks), and e-network state (in a robot)" (Schneider, 2010?). But how could we possibly know what to include and exclude in this big disjunction?
Since it looks like every possible theory of consciousness either has to accept or reject counterfactual robustness, and there are absurd consequences either way, every theory of consciousness will have absurd consequences. So, it looks like consciousness is absurd.
What to do?
I'm still leaning towards some kind of token identity theory, since counterfactual robustness seems to just imply pretty obviously false predictions about experiences when you git rid of stuff that wouldn't have made any physical difference anyway, and substrationism will be the new speciecism, whereas tortured walls just seem very weird and unsettling. But maybe I'm just clinging to physical intuitions, and I should let them go and accept counterfactual robustness, and that getting rid of the unused neurons during torture can turn off the lights. "Spooky action at a distance" ended up being real, after all.
What do you think?
Helpful stuff I've read on this and was too lazy to cite properly
Counterfactual robustness
- "2.2 Is a Wall a Computer?" in
- "Objection 3" and "Counterfactuals Can't Count" in
- "Objection 6: Mapping to reality" (also on the EA Forum here)
Identity theory
Thanks for the comment!
Yes, it's literally a physical difference, but, by hypothesis, it had no influence on anything else in the brain at the time, and your behaviour and reports would be the same. Empty space (or a disconnected or differently connected neuron) could play the same non-firing neuron role in the actual sequence of events. Of course, empty space couldn't also play the firing neuron role in counterfactuals (and a differently connected neuron wouldn't play identical roles across counterfactuals), but why would what didn't happen matter?
Do you expect that those temporarily inactive neurons disappearing temporarily (or slightly more realistically, being temporarily and artificially suppressed from firing) would make a difference to your experiences?
(Firing rates would still be captured with sequences of neurons firing, since the same neuron can fire multiple times in a sequence. If it turns out basically every neuron has a nonzero firing rate during every interval of time long enough to generate an experience, if that even makes sense, then tortured walls could be much rarer. OTOH, we could just make all the neurons only be present exactly when they need to be to preserve the pattern of firing, so they might disappear between firing.)
On finding similar patterns elsewhere, it's because of the huge number of particles and interactions between them going on and relatively small number of interactions in a morally relevant pattern of activity. A human brain has fewer than 100 billion neurons, and the maximum neuron firing rate in many morally relevant experiences is probably less than 1000. So we're only talking at most trillions of events and their connections in a second, which is long enough for a morally relevant experience. But there are many ordered subsets of merely trillions of interacting particles we can find, effectively signaling each other with forces and small changes to their positions. There are orders of magnitude more particles in your head and similar volumes of organic matter, like wood, or in water, which might be more "active", being totally liquid. There are at least 10^25 atoms in a liter of water, but at most 10^14 neuron firing events in a second in a human brain.
Hmm, but maybe because the particles are also influenced by other things outside of the selected neuron substitutes and plausibly by each other in the wrong ways, appropriate subsets and mappings are hard to find. Direct influence between more distant particles is more likely to be messed up by local events. And maybe we should count the number of (fairly) sparse directed acyclic graphs with n vertices (for neurons or particles), but at most thousands of connections per vertex on average (the average for humans).
One simplifying assumption I'd probably make first is that any neuron used at least twice in a sequence could be split into multiple neurons each used exactly once, so we can represent the actual events with a topologically sorted directed acyclic graphs, plotted with time on the x-axis. If you were to draw each neuron when it fires and the signal paths with time as the x-axis (ignoring actual spatial distances and orientations), you'd see the same neuron at different points, and then you'd just treat those as if they were entirely different neurons. Even with counterfactual robustness, you can unfold a recurrent neural network and in principle preserve all functionality (but in practice, timing would probably be hard to maintain, and functionality would likely be lost if the timings are off). This simplifying assumption rules out IIT and Recurrent Processing Theory as too strict in one way.
We could also reduce the number from trillions by using much smaller conscious animal brains. With some mammals (small rodents or bats), it could be in the billions, and with bees, in the billions or millions, and with fruit flies, in the millions, if these animals are conscious. See this wiki page for neuron count estimates across species. Their firing rates might be higher (although apparently invertebrates use continuous rather than binary neuron potentials, and mouse neuron firing rates still seem to be below 1000 per second), but then it's also plausible (although not obvious) that their shortest morally relevant time intervals are roughly inversely proportional to these firing rates, so smaller.