Humanism commits to evidence and reason (naturalism) and grants moral consideration to all humans (anthropocentrism).
Sentientism retains that naturalistic stance but goes a step further on moral conisderation - granting it to all sentient beings (most animals and potentially sentient AIs / aliens).
As such - Sentientism seems to have much in common with Effective Altruism: evidence, reason and a sentiocentric scope of moral consideration.
I'm very interested in feedback on this philosophy and whether promoting it might be a useful EA initiative.
We've built and run a YouTube, Podcast and a variety of global communities. I've had articles published in Sentient Media, Free Inquiry, Open Global Rights, The Humanist, Greeneralia and Areo magazines and been interviewed for a range of podcasts.
Our biggest online community so far is here on FaceBook. All are welcome, whether or not the term Sentientism fits personally. We have people from 90+ countries there so far. EAs, philosophers, activists, policy people, writers, but mostly interested lay-people like me.
Thanks all. I'd love to hear thoughts from anyone who has downvoted. No obligation of course.
Alasdair - I think I'm reasonably familiar with EA but I could have been clearer. I was trying to explore two points:
1) Given both sentientism and EA focus on using evidence and reason and having broad moral compassion - I thought the term and the philosophy might be of interest to EA people generally.
2) Many (all?) of the problems EA looks to address are exacerbated by the fact that billions of people believe and act without a basis in evidence, reason or broad moral compassion. I'm interested in whether people think there is value in trying to bring large numbers of people up towards a simple, common philosophical baseline like Sentientism.