Edit 23 June 2023: I've replaced the link below to the overview sheet with a link to the new Notion database which supplants it.
I've been keeping an overview of the public effective giving ecosystem that I thought would be worth sharing in its own post (I've previously referred to it here). I've noticed people often aren't aware of many of the initiatives in this space (>50!) and they could be missing out on some great funding opportunity recommendations, collaboration and job opportunities, and other useful connections and information.
The list is meant to contain all organisations and projects that aim to identify publicly accessible philanthropic funding opportunities using an effective-altruism-inspired methodology (evaluators), and/or to fundraise for the funding opportunities that have already been identified (fundraisers). As I note on the sheet, inclusion in this list does not imply that the organisation or project's research and recommendations have been vetted for quality: it only implies self-association with the effective giving community.
Please let me know if you think any organisation or project is missing! I aim to keep this list updated, and expect it to change quite a bit over the coming year (I know of a few more budding initiatives that may soon be added).
Hi Sjir - will definitely be looking to put out funding opportunities for specific charities (whether a CE incubatee of one of our ideas, if that happens, or other existing organizations working in areas our research identified as impactful). In terms of timeline, probably 2H/2023 or else early next year - not too certain on this!