We are excited to announce Workshop III in our EA Cologne series: "Strategy, ideas, and life paths for reducing existential risks" with Justin Shovelain and David Kristoffersson from Convergence Analysis. To put it in a nutshell: presentations, discussions and mentoring about existential risk!
As always if you cannot apply but would like to be informed about similiar events in the Cologne area in the future, leave your email here.
Date: 18. & 19.05.2019, 9am - 6pm (+ optional dinner on Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Application: https://goo.gl/forms/zCPqabBflUlODMEf1
Location: in Cologne... to be announced :)
Costs: 60-80€ (covering 2x lunch, snacks + speaker travel costs)
Topic: Reducing Existential Risks
Limited to: 20 attendees
Target group: STEM and philosophy people, those interested in existential risks or strategy, people who are flexible with career choice, or those interested in putting time, money, or other support towards existential risk reduction.
Housing: available on request
Justin and David from Convergence Analysis will discuss possible futures with their numerous existential-risks and describe the 'values-to-action chain' together with the idea of strategy variables and examples of them.
While investigating the gaps in the existential risk ecosystem, we aim to discuss possible life paths and try to mentor participants individually by customizing sessions to their exact situations. The content will be mainly adapted for people with some technical background. Mandatory preparation material will be provided.
On Sunday we will take additional time to digest and further research the Saturday content and support each other for planning concrete next steps.
The mindset of precision, prediction, control, and scientific empiricism is generally going to be useful as background for what we're discussing. A STEM background isn't necessary, but makes things easier. We will employ some concepts from mathematics (calculus, statistics, ...) and computer science in the workshop
- Provide in-depth models on existential risk strategy
- Help effective altruists interested in existential risk to translate theory into actionable next steps.
- Socialize with great, like-minded people
- Have Fun! :D
If you have read this far please take a moment to share this event with your friends!
Feedback, questions or anything else to info(at)eakoeln(.)de
EDIT: Improved text
I am quite interested but am in Boston. Do you know of similar events in my area or in the US?
We might record the event and publish the files. Besides I do not know of any events like this anywhere soon.