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Cross-posting this job description from EA Sweden’s website. 

Effective Altruism Sweden is looking for a full-time Head of Strategic Development. A successful applicant would become a key part of a growing and ambitious EA Sweden team, aiming to make EA Sweden a prominent hub in the international EA ecosystem. 

Main responsibilities

We are foremost looking for a great person to join our team, and we will, to some extent, be able to adapt the role according to a successful applicant’s experiences, strengths, and desires. While the following points provide a general overview of the position, we are open to discussing and tailoring the role to ensure the best fit for all parties involved.

  • Lead the strategic development of EA Sweden’s communication, including identifying target groups and defining our tone of voice and communication channels.
  • Co-lead the strategic development of the career support EA Sweden provides.
  • Initiate collaborations and perform activities according to the strategies. E.g. organise and run events such as discussions, talks, and seminars.
  • Explore the value of, and potentially lead, sub-groups, e.g., AI Safety and Biosecurity.
  • Perform continuous communication through EA Sweden’s social media, newsletter, and website.
  • Collaborate with other relevant EA organisations to develop new forms of improved career support for different target groups.

Ideally, the successful candidate will work at the EA Sweden office in Stockholm, but it is not a strict requirement. The work hours are typically flexible, but there may be occasions where evening or weekend work is necessary.

The starting date for the position will be determined together with the successful candidate, but an ideal starting date is at the beginning of August 2023. 

Who is suited to this role?

We expect a successful candidate to:

  • Be familiar with and interested in the ideas of effective altruism
  • Have strong independent reasoning skills and excellent judgment
  • Have strong communication and interpersonal skills and excitement about collaborating with other organizations and individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds
  • Find enjoyment and be able to communicate complex ideas clearly

Fulfilling these additional criteria would be highly beneficial:

  • Have in-depth knowledge of several cause areas in effective altruism (e.g. existential risks, global health/poverty, animal rights issues)
  • Be familiar with different organizations in the global EA environment and have a strong international EA network
  • Experience organizing and running events such as discussions, talks, or seminars

Many excellent candidates will have some (but not all) of these characteristics, and we encourage you to apply even if you do not have all of the characteristics listed in either of the categories.

Note that knowledge of Swedish is not a requirement, but English proficiency is. Some of our communication, including our website, is currently in Swedish, but our goal is to change all communication to English going forward. 

About Effective Altruism Sweden

EA Sweden is one of the most established national effective altruism organizations worldwide, with paid staff since 2018. Our core activities include building a strong Swedish EA community, providing career counseling, mainly in the form of workshop series and individual coaching, as well as starting and supporting high-impact projects. Two examples of such projects are Ge Effektivt and Future Academy. We are also organizing events for the community, for example, EAGxNordics, a three-day conference taking place in Stockholm on April 21–23, 2023 that will gather hundreds of people in the European effective altruism community. 

Our team currently consists of two full-time Co-Directors and one part-time Career Counselor and we are in the process of exploring different opportunities to complement the international EA-ecosystem. These opportunities may involve conducting trials on innovative methods of measuring impact, improving regional collaboration within the Nordics, launching an incubation program for piloting high-impact projects and organizations, and experimenting with novel approaches to attract and retain individuals from more diverse fields, backgrounds, and career stages.

Salary and benefits

The Head of Strategic Development would be an employee of EA Sweden. The salary range is SEK 32 500 - 45 000 monthly (approximately EUR 39 000 - 54 000 annually), depending on the qualifications of the successful candidate.

You will have 5 weeks paid vacation. As a resident of Sweden, you are entitled to medical and dental care under the same terms as others who live in Sweden. Read more about social security in Sweden here and about living in Sweden here.

To Apply

To apply, please complete this formApplications close at 11:59 pm CEST on May 7th. We evaluate applications continuously. Our process will consist of three phases:

  1. Resume/CV & application form
  2. Work test (less than 2h)
  3. Interview

Please contact Emil Wasteson, emil@effektivaltruism.org if you have any questions regarding the role or application process.

We are committed to building a diverse applicant pool. There is some evidence suggesting that individuals from underrepresented groups tend to underestimate their abilities. EA Sweden does not want the application process to dissuade potential candidates. We strongly encourage interested candidates to apply regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, physical ability, educational background, socioeconomic status, etc.

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