Schmidt Futures is a large philanthropic effort co-founded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt. I'm leading a new program there, Act 2 Network, to matchmake between exceptional people and the roles/cofounders/orgs/funders that might help them do the most damage.
As a part of this, we are building resources to help top professionals who would not consider themselves EAs---mostly due to age or social group---make high-impact career shifts. Think "80,000 hours but for executives who don't spend all their time on Twitter".
I would like to meet 2-4 early career journalists or researchers open to contract work to help us create these resources.
To get in touch, email me at jsavage æt schmidtfutures dɔt com with some examples of your work.
Hi James, it might help to mention who you work for and what project this work is a part of for those who may not know.
(You could also update your forum profile description)
Link not working
The copy is sort of indirect. For context, I think this is a newer organization that has been seen by some as a promising institution to support global health and development.