The Global Innovation Fund (GIF) is a non-profit, impact-first investment fund headquartered in London that primarily works with mission-aligned development agencies (USAID, SIDA, Global Affairs Canada, UKAID). Through grants, loans and equity investments, they back innovations with the potential for social impact at a large scale, whether these are new technologies, business models, policy practices or behavioural insights. I've been told that so far their investments have been roughly 60% grants and 40% 'risk capital' (i.e., loans and equity).
Recently, they made a bold but little publicized projection in their 2022 Impact Report (page 18): "We project every dollar that GIF has invested to date will be three times as impactful as if that dollar had been spent on long-lasting, insecticide-treated bednets... This is three times higher than the impact per dollar of Givewell’s top-rated charities, including distribution of anti-malarial insecticide-treated bednets. By Givewell’s estimation, their top charities are 10 times as cost-effective as cash transfers." The report says they have invested $112m since 2015.
This is a short post to highlight GIF's projection to the EA community and to invite comments and reactions.
Here are a few initial points:
- It's exciting to see an organization with relatively traditional funders comparing its impact to GiveWell's top charities (as well as cash transfers).
- I would want to see more information on how they did their calculations before taking a view on their projection.
- In any case, based on my conversations with GIF, and what I've understood about their methodology, I think their projection should be taken seriously. I can see many ways it could be either an overestimate or an underestimate.
Yeah, it seems we do have a semantic difference here. But, how you're using 'raw impact units' makes sense to me.
Nice, clear examples! I feel inspired by them to sketch out what I think the "correct" approach would look like. With plenty of room for anyone to choose their own parameters.
Let's simplify things a bit. Say the first round is as described above and its purpose is to fund the organization to test its intervention. Then let's lump all future rounds together and say they total $14m and fund the implementation of the intervention if the tests are successful. That is, $14m of funding in the second round, assuming the tests are a success, produces 14m units of impact.
The 14m is what I would call the org's potential 'Gross Impact', with no adjustment for the counterfactual. We need to adjust for what would otherwise happen without the org to get its potential 'Enterprise Impact' (relative to the counterfactual).
For one, yes, the funders would have invested their money elsewhere. So, the org will only have a positive Enterprise Impact if it is more cost-effective than the funder's alternative. I think the 'generous-to-GiveWell option' is more extreme than it might appear at first glance. It's not only assuming that the funders would otherwise donate in line with GiveWell (GW). It's also assuming that they are somehow suckered into donating to this less effective org, despite being GW donors.
A more reasonable assumption, in my view, is that the org only gets funding if its cost-effectiveness is above the bar of its funders. It also seems likely to me that the org, if successful, will be able to attract funders that are not GW donors. There are plenty of funders with preferences that are not that aligned with cost-effectiveness. As long as these other reasons line up with this hypothetical org, then it could get non-GW funding. Indeed, in GW's model for Malaria Consortium it looks like they are assuming the Global Fund is 2-3x less effective than GW spending and that Domestic Governments are 6x-10x less effective. Furthermore, if the org is able to adopt a for-profit operating model, it could get commercial funding with relatively little impact in the counterfactual.
As an example, let's say GW top charities produce 1 unit of impact per dollar and the org's second round funders typically make grants that are 10x less effective than GW. The counterfactual impact of the funder's alternative grants would be 1.4 million units of impact. So, based on this consideration the potential Enterprise Impact = 14 million - 1.4 million = 12.6 million units of impact.
Another consideration is that if the org didn't exist, or even if it does, then another org may have developed that solves the same problem for the same beneficiaries. Let's say the probability of an alternative org replicating the Enterprise Impact is 21% (just an illustrative number). Then adjusting for this consideration makes the potential Enterprise Impact actually (1-21%) * 12.6 million = 10 million units of impact.
Next, we need to go from potential Enterprise Impact to expected Enterprise Impact. That is, we need to account for the probability the org is successful after the first round tests. Let's say 10% - a fairly standard early-stage success rate. That makes the expected Enterprise Impact equal to 1 million units.
Now we can look at the impact of GIF's funding. That is, how did their decision to fund the $1m in the first round change the expected Enterprise Impact?
This will depend on a combination of how much potential interest there was from other funders and how much the organization is able to scale with more funding (e.g., improving the statistical power of their test intervention, testing in more locations,...). At one extreme, all other funders may be non-cost effective donors and only be willing to participate if GIF led the round, in which case I'd say GIF's $1m enabled the entire $2m round. At the other extreme, it could be the org only really needed $1m and there were plenty of other funders willing to step in, in which case GIF's investor impact would be close to zero.
For this example, let's say there was some potential of other funding but it was far from guaranteed, that the typical cost-effectiveness of the other funders would be small, and there were some diminishing returns to scale in the round. Altogether, suppose this means that GIF's 50% of the round only has a contribution versus the counterfactual equal to 30% of the expected Enterprise Impact. That is, an Investor Impact of 300k units of impact.
To summarize the whole stream of calculations is (14m - 1.4m) * (1 - 0.21) * 10% * 30% = 300k. That is, 0.3 units of impact per dollar. Or, 0.3x GW (according to my illustrative assumptions).
Based on GIF's published methodology and Ken's comments here, I believe GIF's reported numbers for this example would be something like 14m * 10% * 50% = 700k. Or, 0.7x GW. Given they actually reported 3x GW, to calibrate this example to their reporting, I'd increase the value of the (14m * 10%) part by 4.3 = 3/0.7. This can be interpreted as the actual scale or duration of the orgs GIF funds being greater than 14m, or that their average probability of success is higher than 10%.
With the calibration change, my illustrative estimate of GIF's effectiveness would be 4.3 times my original value of 0.3x. That is, 1.3x GW.
The only "real" number here is the calibration to being 3x GW according to my version of GIF's calculations. The point of the 1.3x result is just to illustrate how I would adjust for the relevant counterfactuals. Relative to my version of GIF's calculation, my calculation includes a 71% = (14m - 1.4m)/ 14m * (1 - 0.21) multiplier, that translates Gross Impact into Enterprise Impact, and a 60% = 30% /50% multiplier, that gets us to the final Investor Impact. With these values, that I consider highly uncertain but plausible, the effectiveness of GIF would be above GW top charities.
For emphasis, I'm not claiming GIF is or is not achieving this effectiveness. I'm just seeking to illustrate that it is plausible. And, if someone were to do an independent analysis, I'd expect the results to shape up along the lines of the approach I've outlined here.