

Interested in biosecurity, alternative proteins, community building, entrepreneurship, and policy.

Trained as a biomedical engineer in France and Switzerland (MSc). Started but did not finish a PhD in biotechnology (microbiology + tissue engineering to study the gut microbiota).

Originally from France.

How others can help me

Ideas and insights about community building, comparative advantage, special programs. Discussions about principle-based versus cause-specific outreach. Also very interested in fit testing and small to big projects around biosecurity and pandemic preparedness and field building in that cause area.

How I can help others

I have insights around community building locally and nationally, career planning and exploration. I also have some experience in academia (started but didn't finish my PhD) that I'm happy to share.


Topic contributions

But it's usually bad, isn't it? I mean Google Translate is not my go-to translator... Or am I missing something?

Thansk for writing this! This is a very useful framework to think about growth in an org. I'd say it's also relevant for meta-EA regional orgs (MEAROs)?

I read this a while ago, and the part about being an end in ourselves really stuck. I'm now saying it to others. Thanks for writing this.

As a full-time community builder myself, I often go into phases of asking myself why I give so much when I could be more selfish, and this part of the post really helped crystallize how I felt - though I'm not saying people are ungrateful, that is as far away as describing my experience with people in EA communities as one can get!

Yes, this is consistent with my experience too. Bad calibration of expected timelines, unresponsiveness to (two) emails asking for updates or if they needed anything (over one month), and something I would also qualify as somewhat disrespectful: they asked for additional information that was already available in the initial application.

For me it means that they probably didn't read through completely before asking for more, besides the application being less than a dozen sentences long, one of them being "here are the relevant links" which contained all the information the follow-up email was asking for. I agree that it was not obvious that the requested info was there in the application, but I would expect a grant manager to actually skim or even read everything before asking for additional details.

In my perspective, it felt like a disregard for my time in an attempt to compensate for a longer turnaround than they wished they would have.

(Opinions my own)

PS: We received a decision a bit less than 3 months after applying.

Thank you for sharing this!

I'm a little bit surprised the other comments only focus on the pension thing, even though it's the title.

I enjoyed how you unravel the chronology of your thoughts on existential risk from AI. It shows the complexity of this topic and the challenging journey towards developing an opinion and structuring ideas about it. That's the kind of story that helps me deal with my own confusion, as I can see the struggle of others too.

You're probably right. It still feels like many other languages are using this word in its original meaning, so even if the English language has a different definition, bringing some "utopian" concepts to a global community might be misunderstood.

Why does nobody use the term "eutopia"? From Greek etymology, dystopia means "bad place", and utopia means... "non-place" - like an unachievable place, while eutopia means "lucky place". Shouldn't we use a word pointing toward something that we can hope for?

Wikipedia mentions that the fact that both utopia and eutopia are pronounced identically might have given rise to a change of meaning. But I think the difference in meaning is important - should we deliberately use - and thus mispronounce - eutopia /ɘːˈtoʊpiə/?

Thanks for this comment. I think I agree with a lot of what you say, and wanted to clarify that I am not saying people should pick sides. I just wanted to point out the imbalance of total personal support expressed for each "side", without implying that you can't show support for both.

Thank you Milena for writing this. Let's not forget the painful reality of the victims. The fact that their anonymity prevents them from getting the personal support of many only exacerbates the need for our solidarity with them.

Thank you for your comment Charlotte! Yes I think it's probably something additional (and not necessarily very visible) that non-native speakers might struggle with in intense events such as EAG(x)s and retreats. What do you think you might do differently now?

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