Thank you! And thank you so much for your podcasts - like I mentioned in the post I found them really helpful and relatable and am grateful for you sharing so much!
I'm on buproprion xl and generally they don't recommend taking it at night because it can cause insomnia but I'm really lucky and have never really had problems with that. Instead, I just found waking up in the morning extremely difficult - I often woke up sad and just wanted to stay in bed and keep sleeping (even if I had slept a really long time). Due to the extended release, taking it at night means that peak effects are now happening in the mornings when I was most sad / low motivation before. So that was honestly just really great for me.
Thanks! I actually also was using bearable for a while there and had a similar experience of "it's hard to find out info because of confounders but this is generally useful for being mindful of my wellbeing". I don't use it any more but might look into it again :)
I remember thinking it was super cool when I found it
Just wanted to drop in this study: Harvard Undergraduate Survey on Generative AI since it seems somewhat related/interesting :)
Hi Isaac, this is a good question! I can elaborate more in the Q&A tomorrow but here are some thoughts:
Ultimatley a lot depends on your personal fit and comparative advantage. I think people should do the things they excel at. While I do think you can have a more scalable impact on the groups team, the groups team would have very little to no impact without the organizers working on the ground!
I can share some of the reasons that led me to prefer working at CEA over working on the ground:
However, there are some good reasons why you might prefer to work on the ground:
Thanks for sharing this! The power of prompts and letting go of nice to haves have been things I've noticed in my work as well. Good luck with your future efforts here!