Joris P

828 karmaJoined


I lead CEA's University Groups team. We often post updates on the Forum about what we're up to, and are always happy to answer questions!

I helped start & ran Positive Impact Society Erasmus (PISE) in 2020-2022, and was co-lead for EAGxRotterdam 2022. I'm happy to answer any questions about those experiences!


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Joris P

Many semesters are about to kick off in the next ~month, meaning the busiest and most important time of the year is coming up for many EA university group organizers.


I'm very grateful for the work of university group organizers around the world. University groups have been a place where so many people learned about EA ideas and met others who are equally motivated to do good in an impartial and scope-sensitive way. Many of the people who got involved with EA through university groups are now making progress on fighting very difficult problems in the world. Thank you to everyone who was and is making that possible by helping run a university group!


If you know a university group organizer, please consider sending them a message to wish them all the best with promoting EA ideas this month and beyond!

Wanted to flag that you can select multiple answers for every question in the survey, not sure if you meant that to be the case?

Are there any resources that inform your views on biodiversity that you'd recommend others read? I'd be curious to learn more!


I remember someone giving a talk on the topic at EAGxCambridge but I couldn't quickly find who this was unfortunately

A few months ago, @Naomi N and I collected this overview of all post-FTX reflection-related projects we were aware of at the time - you and others might find that helpful!

Hey Tom, welcome to the Forum! 


I happened to see this comment, excited to get in touch! And thanks for the recommendation James :)

Want to shoot us an email at unigroups [at] centreforeffectivealtruism [dot] org? I've already asked someone to do a search in our system for any people in your area!

Answer by Joris P3

Just sending a quick reply - you might find this interesting!

For anyone wondering what other reflection/reform projects are happening - just plugging this overview Naomi and I put together!

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