

Director of Research at Effective Thesis. 
Previously Head of Coaching at Effective Thesis, facilitator on Rethink Wellbeing CBT program, facilitator on EA educational programmes, Prague Fall Season, former University Lecturer, many other things. 


This is great, Erwan! Thanks for sharing this. 

Look forward to seeing you guys on Saturday! :) 

The book will be released very soon on August 16 ( US), and September 1 (UK). Now seems like a good time to signal boost if you're thinking of doing this. 

Looks like this will be released on August 16 ( US), and September 1 (UK). Seems like a good time to signal boost. 

Moreover, Metaculus is currently on 10% for  >100 nuclear detonations given one fatality by 2024. Seems about right. a bit of an underestimate. 

Thanks Jan! Just saw this after creating my social media blurb. I've added it to my other comment here. 

More details you can add (if needed):

Most of the questions are simple ‘clickable’ answer choices, but the final question gives you an opportunity to write further comments / make requests if you like. For example, you could ask for:

  • An EU Commissioner for Animal Welfare.
  • Specific legislation for fish.
  • Better protection for animals used in economic activity in general (not just farming).
  • Legislation based on the ‘Five Domains’ framework.
  • A ban on cephalopod farming.
  • A ban on fur farming.

It’s best if you write these comments IN YOUR OWN WORDS so not everyone writes exactly the same words!  


Or please see suggestions given above by Neil and Jan!  Thanks! 


I created a short blurb for use on social media posts. Feel free to use it:

This is probably the most impactful action you can take for animals this year! 

The European Union (EU) is currently conducting what may be the most important survey ever created for animals. 

The EU is revising its animal welfare laws and is using this survey to collect input. Some countries have very few responses so far, and so this seems a particularly low effort way to influence major policy decisions at the EU level. It doesn’t take long to complete and is worth doing even if you are not an EU citizen.  

EU Survey:

Here’s a text guide with suggested responses for the survey.

These suggestions are taken from the Anima International video guide which are based on advice from EU animal advocacy experts. 

                                                                           Photo by Sam Carter (Unsplash)

Thanks, Peter, glad this text guide is useful! For some reason the images in the google doc guide don't display very well on my phone. I'm not sure if others will have this issue. It displays clearly on the computer though. I guess most people will complete the EU survey at a computer alongside the guide, so it may not be an issue. 

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