

I started out on the global health side of EA, and  added AI Governance as one of my focus areas.

My background is in nonprofit evaluation, research, advocacy, and community engagement. My current focus centers around AI safety policy research, advocacy, and global cooperation for AI safety and alignment to increase the likelihood of a flourishing future where humanity and AI can collaborate safely together. 

How I can help others

Advocacy, nonprofit evaluation, research 


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Thanks for the comment! A digital sabbatical is basically a fancy-shmancy term for "I took a break from social media and from having an online presence and increased my focus on other projects." I took a break from pretty much everything online, then added things back in gradually or limited certain sites or apps to strategically curate a better media/info diet. 

Author of “ How to Survive EAG: San Francisco FOMO,” here. In fairness to EAG organizers, I want to clarify that I did not apply for EAG SF this year. While I was bummed not to go, I was on a digital sabbatical during the application period, so I do not put any sort of blame on EAG organizers, as they had nothing to do with why I didn’t attend. I applied to two past EAGs and was accepted to both. While I support the general sentiment that it is a bummer to miss out on EAG, the post truly was written all in good fun, and I did actually have a great time putting that post together.