

I currently work with CE/AIM-incubated charity ARMoR on research distillation, quantitative modelling and general org-boosting to support policy advocacy for market-shaping tools to incentivise innovation and ensure access to antibiotics to help combat AMR

I previously did AIM's Research Training Program, was supported by a FTX Future Fund regrant and later Open Philanthropy's affected grantees program, and before that I spent 6 years doing data analytics, business intelligence and knowledge + project management in various industries (airlines, e-commerce) and departments (commercial, marketing), after majoring in physics at UCLA and changing my mind about becoming a physicist. I've also initiated some local priorities research efforts, e.g. a charity evaluation initiative with the moonshot aim of reorienting my home country Malaysia's giving landscape towards effectiveness, albeit with mixed results. 

I first learned about effective altruism circa 2014 via A Modest Proposal, Scott Alexander's polemic on using dead children as units of currency to force readers to grapple with the opportunity costs of subpar resource allocation under triage. I have never stopped thinking about it since, although my relationship to it has changed quite a bit; I related to Tyler's personal story (which unsurprisingly also references A Modest Proposal as a life-changing polemic):

I thought my own story might be more relatable for friends with a history of devotion – unusual people who’ve found themselves dedicating their lives to a particular moral vision, whether it was (or is) Buddhism, Christianity, social justice, or climate activism. When these visions gobble up all other meaning in the life of their devotees, well, that sucks. I go through my own history of devotion to effective altruism. It’s the story of [wanting to help] turning into [needing to help] turning into [living to help] turning into [wanting to die] turning into [wanting to help again, because helping is part of a rich life].

How others can help me

I'm looking for "decision guidance"-type roles e.g. applied prioritization research.

How I can help others

Do reach out if you think any of the above piques your interest :)


Topic contributions

His response is so uncharitable and demeaning I'm not sure it's worth Larks' time and effort to respond. For instance: 

I don't understand what the title has to do with the body of the text. 'Meme' either means a unit of cultural information or a funny picture with text; EA is definitely not 'just' the latter, and it is the former to the same extent that environmentalism or any other movement is.

I can say these sentences certainly are memes.

That's the entirety of his response to what Larks pointed out, a confusion I share. 

There are many great criticisms-of-EA writeups on the forum; here are some from the criticism of EA tag which I've personally appreciated:

On a more meta level, your friend might sharpen his critiques by reading e.g. Critiques of EA that I want to read and Motivation gaps: Why so much EA criticism is hostile and lazy (the latter written by an EA skeptic by the way), but given his lack of charity I'm not optimistic on this front.

I appreciated the bullet point fleshing out prioritizing tech accessibility. Techier folks might also like Dan Luu's various examples in How web bloat impacts users with slow connections, which I remember both for his sharing of Wave ex-CTO Ben Kuhn's internet connectivity experience in Ethiopia as well as Dan's own anecdote:

When I was at Google, someone told me a story about a time that “they” completed a big optimization push only to find that measured page load times increased. When they dug into the data, they found that the reason load times had increased was that they got a lot more traffic from Africa after doing the optimizations. The team’s product went from being unusable for people with slow connections to usable, which caused so many users with slow connections to start using the product that load times actually increased.

You'll be interested to note that EA has already been considering this for a while, e.g. CEARCH's deep report on preventing hypertension via advocacy for top sodium reduction policies and controlling diabetes mellitus type 2 via advocacy for sugar-sweetened beverages taxes, Founders Pledge's recommendation of the Resolve to Save Lives program to eliminate industrially-produced trans fat, GiveWell's 2019 conversation with Action on Salt as part of its investigation into sodium reduction policy in LMICs (including the country I'm from), etc.

I realise I'm responding to an old comment, but was this post of Nuno's the product of your project?

You may be interested in this chart from the What trends do we see in GWWC Pledgers’ giving? subsection of GWWC's 2020-22 cost-eff self-evaluation, as well as their discussion:

My personal (skeptical) benchmark for price per unit of non-garbage carbon offsets comes from Scott Alexander's mention of Climeworks:

“Pessimistic” comes from Climeworks, a company that builds giant reverse-factories which take carbon out of the air. If you’re maximally skeptical about any charity's ability to offset CO2, these are the people for you - they can literally hand you a bottle full of the carbon they removed, so you don't need to take anything on faith. But they charge as much as $1000/ton. 

Climeworks actually charges more now, at least for their individual subscription pricing: $1,500/ton, no volume discount across subscription tiers. 

I like the idea of immediately donating the same amount or more to effective environmental funds, thanks for sharing.

(Attention conservation notice: rambling in public)

A striking throwaway remark, given its context: 

There is remarkably little evidence that evidence-based medicine leads to better health outcomes for patients, though this is absence of (good) evidence rather than (good) evidence of absence of effect.

It's striking given that this comes from this book on Thailand’s Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) (ch 1 pg 22), albeit perhaps understandable given the authors' stance that evidence is necessary but not sufficient to determine the best course of action (to treat a patient, to design a social insurance scheme, etc), which seems completely unobjectionable.

That said, I did wonder about the first half of the quoted throwaway remark, so I asked Elicit; its top-4 paper summary is

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has been shown to improve patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency. A study in a Spanish hospital found that an EBP unit had lower mortality rates (6.27% vs 7.75%) and shorter lengths of stay (6.01 vs 8.46 days) compared to standard practice (Emparanza et al., 2015). EBM can reduce clinical uncertainty, leading to better patient outcomes, improved population health, and reduced costs (Molony & Samuels, 2012). The implementation of EBM is expected to enhance the quality of care as part of healthcare reform initiatives (Hughes, 2011). Additionally, EBM has paralleled the growth of patient empowerment, supporting informed decision-making by integrating the best available research with individual patient values and concerns (Hendler, 2004). While challenges remain in translating EBM principles for public consumption, its adoption has the potential to significantly improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. 

although the summary didn't include these papers it listed in the top 10

  • Bahtsevani et al 2004's systematic review (weak evidence of limited findings)
  • Every-Palmer & Howick 2014's paper with these dramatic sentences in their abstract:
    • "In this paper we suggest that EBM's potential for improving patients' health care has been thwarted by bias in the choice of hypotheses tested, manipulation of study design and selective publication." 
    • "Evidence for these flaws is clearest in industry-funded studies. We argue EBM's indiscriminate acceptance of industry-generated 'evidence' is akin to letting politicians count their own votes. Given that most intervention studies are industry funded, this is a serious problem for the overall evidence base. Clinical decisions based on such evidence are likely to be misinformed, with patients given less effective, harmful or more expensive treatments." 
    • "More investment in independent research is urgently required. Independent bodies, informed democratically, need to set research priorities. We also propose that evidence rating schemes are formally modified so research with conflict of interest bias is explicitly downgraded in value." 
  • Shaw et al 2007's dramatically-titled Why Evidence Based Medicine May Be Bad for You and Your Patients ("This review argues that the basis of EBM is so deeply flawed that in many cases it cannot usefully inform clinical practice, reflected in fact by the current majority outcome of most trials as “no-blood,” or no result")

With the proviso that I'm a layperson w.r.t. medicine and healthcare, and that I didn't ask Elicit further questions or really dig further into this at all — I find myself mostly unmoved by these papers & reviews, while the younger me of (say) a decade ago would've epistemically panicked. Partly it's that they aren't really contra "using evidence to inform medicine" per se: to oversimplify a bit, Bahtsevani et al recommend more evidence generation, Every-Palmer & Howick recommend less industry-biased evidence generation, and Shaw et al argue that other less legible-than-RCT types of evidence should occupy more mindshare than they did back in '07 (there's a loose parallel here to the more recent growth vs randomista debate in dev econ). Partly it's that I suspect there's some talking past each other, which only becomes clear when one digs into the nuts-and-bolts. Partly it's that I think the general underlying ethos of "using evidence to inform medicine" is a lot more robust than any particular instantiation of it (e.g. using only empirical data from systematic reviews of RCTs), sort of like how cluster thinking > sequence thinking for decision-making, or like how foxes have weak views strongly held (side note: in that essay's framing I used to be a hedgehog, hopefully I'm now more fox than degenerate cactus). Partly it's that I've "seen this before" with other topics, cf. Scott Alexander's many deep dives. Maybe I'm just getting old... 

I'd note that quoting that sentence without including the one immediately after it seems misleading, so here it is — it's essentially a distillation of (for instance) Our World in Data's main message:

Things are getting better. While there are substantial ups and downs, long-term progress in science, technology, and values have tended to make people’s lives longer, freer, and more prosperous.

The fact that people’s lives are longer, freer, and more prosperous now than a few centuries ago doesn't contradict the fact that (as you rightly point out) the biosphere is degrading horrifically. 

I'd also note that your depiction of Ord here

his latest work (both the blog post and the chapter in the forthcoming OUP book, Essays in Longtermism) feels like a philosophical version of Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook motto, Move fast and (risk) break(ing) things

seems strawmannish and unnecessarily provocative; it doesn't engage with nuances like (quoting the OP)

I’m a natural optimist and an advocate for progress. I don’t want to see the case for advancing progress undermined. But when I tried to model it clearly to better understand its value, I found a substantial gap in the argument.

and right before that 

If advancing all progress would turn out to be bad, but advancing some parts of it would be good, then it is likely that advancing the remaining parts would be even more bad. Since some kinds of progress are more plausibly linked to bringing about an earlier demise (e.g. nuclear weapons, climate change, and large-scale resource depletion only became possible because of technological, economic, and scientific progress) these parts may not fare so well in such an analysis. So it may really be an argument for differentially boosting other kinds of progress, such as moral progress or institutional progress, and perhaps even for delaying technological, economic, and scientific progress

which sounds like a serious consideration of the opposite of "move fast and risk breaking things", for which I commend Ord given how this goes against his bias (separately from whether I agree with his takes or the overall vibe I get from his progress-related writings). 

re: your addendum

But it also includes the idea that the new trust that Buffet is creating, to be overseen by his children, has to give away all of the bequest within 10 years of his death. I just don't see how that is remotely possible, even with a McKenzie Scott approach, barring just dropping money from the sky 

My sense is the orgs and focus areas Yield Giving has gifted to probably can't absorb as much funding as the big line items in this Longview report (several of which exceed Buffet's entire endowment, albeit none shovel-ready AFAICT), so a MacKenzie Scott approach at 3-4x the scale for the Longview focus areas seems to have an outside shot at being possible? (Scott has been giving ~$4 bn per year over the last few years going by Yield Giving's public database alone, and Buffet's planned trust would need to give >$13 bn a year) 

Not really. This post's cost-effectiveness calculation was done at the cause area level, so it's an average of many interventions of highly varying cost-effectiveness, while GW top charities' cost-eff are evaluated at the (org-specific) intervention level.  

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