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Hello, I am an organizer for the Positive Impact Society Erasmus (PISE) (Erasmus University, Rotterdam). The intro fellowship and book clubs we are currently organizing on a weekly basis are going great, and we have a lot of engaged students. We are therefore looking to create tracks where these engaged students can further their learning, and become more engaged in the EA community. We are therefore looking for recommendations for tracks/committees that have worked well for university organizers in the past.

We have a few ideas for now:

Fellowship committee - would allow us to expand our fellowships and potentially host multiple ones simultaneously (e.g. intro fellowship and a more advanced fellowship). Students would also learn more about EA through crafting the curriculum and potentially facilitating the fellowships.

Research committee - In the past, we have had success with having research committees. We for example did one where we collaborated with an NGO based in Nigeria (Lafiya Nigeria, great org.) where our group made a report assessing where the NGO could improve its cost-effectiveness. 

Advanced fellowships - We have never done one of these before, does anyone know if these work well, if so, which ones?


Please let me know what you think about the ideas I brought up, as well as what tracks have worked the best for your University Groups, and how to successfully implement them. Thank you in advance for your tips.

Trym Braathen, PISE Board 24/25




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Delft have done in-depth fellowships if I’m not mistaken. Have you chatted with Brooke? Or people from the previous boards, e.g., Annemieke, Nils, Joep, or Jan?

Oh and also check out Impact Makers. A few ex-uni organisers from NL (Lotte et al.) set it up to solve exactly this problem.

Ping me if you’ve got any questions about the above!

Hey, this page might be helpful for you! Happy to chat as well if you'd like a soundboard : ) 



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