With the recent Roe v Wade decision many are thinking about ways to support reproductive rights in America.
I'm not here to argue that this is a global priority or a more important cause area than others. I'm instead here to ask, given one considers reproductive rights in America an important cause area, what actions are most effective to increase things like access to abortion, contraception, and family planning?
I'd be interested in things like studies of what interventions work best, data on what orgs might make most effective use marginal donations, etc.
ETA: I'm not very interested here in discussing the question of if reproductive rights of Americans are an EA cause area. There's one comment about this from user Larks. I'll ask future comments about this topic to be deleted as off topic. I'm only interested here in the question of, assuming you accept this is a cause area to do something about, what can we say about the ways to do the most good assuming that framing. I'm asking it that way because I specifically want to avoid discussing a charged political issue on the forum. If it would make people happy, I'd be just as interested to see a similar question asking for the best ways to restrict access to abortion and contraception.
I wasn't intending to single out you or any specific person when asking that question. More that the community overall seems to collectively have responded differently (in view of up/downvotes). Due to the fact that different people see different posts, it's hardly a controlled experiment, so it could have been just chance who happened to see the post first and make a first impression.