In reference to this post: Purchase Fuzzies And Utilons Separately
EA Tasty is a different kind of food blog. It’s all about two things: doing good and eating well.
From EA Tasty / Lucia Coulter, a classic recipe formula (oh fine, 'meta-recipe') from 2017 that I've used dozens of times:
This super easy recipe formula is just brilliant. It makes a wonderful variety of delicious, healthy, cheap, and ethical meals. I use it pretty much every day, so thought it would be worth sharing. Just choose whichever ingredients you’re in the mood for and can find cheaply, follow the directions, and a few minutes later you’ll have an amazing meal ready to enjoy!
You'll need to log in to Wordpress to view the post. Check out the other recipes, too.
Thanks! I'd like to have reasonable whistleblower protections at my org, do you have any templates that you think are good?