Express interest in attending here - it should take 5 minutes or less to complete the form!
We want to host an interactive workshop/conference focused on EA hubs, offices, co-working spaces, and fellowships. The purpose of this post is to gauge interest and allow potential participants to actively shape the agenda to focus on the most relevant and beneficial topics.
By hosting a conference that brings together attendees with wide-ranging and overlapping experience launching/managing hubs, offices, and other place-based community nodes (as well as those actively planning to do so), we aim to:
- Facilitate coordination, collaboration and professional integration between significant individuals and organisations (both inside and outside of the EA community) with expertise in creating thriving spaces;
- Create a comprehensive set of multi-format materials documenting previous learnings and best practices, such as podcasts, EA Forum articles, templates, and guides;
- Use an emerging EA hub as a live case study to workshop real-life problems and considerations faced when designing and building new hubs; and
- Propose and iterate theories of change to improve the strategic spatial growth of EA.
People who we think would be a great fit for the conference:
- Professionals - people with professional background in designing spaces
- Organisers - people who run or are interested in running offices/hubs in the future
- Potential users - people who currently use such spaces or intend to use them in the future
- People who have unique, informed viewpoints and can challenge what’s discussed in a productive way
The conference would be organised by Tereza, Peter Elam and Britney Budiman, and would be the first event to be organised by the emerging EA Architects and Planners group.
Depending on the responses from the form, we will decide whether to submit applications for funding. If successful, we will make an official post announcing the conference and inviting participants to apply! We aim to run it this August/September, either online or in a physical location.
We are keen to hear comments or suggestions in the comments, via the form, or by contacting us directly.
Hi, thank you for organising this.
What are your thoughs on several offices closing EDIT: "or failing to open" recently?
Lightcone Offices, SOL and there are rumors of others considering their fate as well.
Does it spell the end of EA offices / hubs as a thing of the past, when funding was perhaps too abundant?
Or is it just a case by case basis and there is opportunity for people who used those spaces to support creation of new ones elsewhere?
How (if at all) does your understanding of that impact the expected content of the conference?
I think the information you give on Aurea is expired. They've closed their form, taken down their initial EA Forum post, and have not responded to emails in months. In short, they seem to have shut down (though there probably still are individuals working on longtermist issues living there).
I personally see them as one of the most egregious failures for a longtermist hub from the info I was given.(I don't give more detail because I wasn't there and would prefer if they wrote a postmortem themselves).EDIT : I've crossed out the before-last sentence... (read more)