First, one should ask what non-elites can do to make great positive impact. What comes to mind is donating, learning about EA, developing solutions, and presenting them to their networks. In addition, I was thinking about doing in-network elites' work so that the privileged individuals can more fully focus on EA-related advocacy within their circles.
Why one would seek to refrain from approaching the public is that 1) reputational loss risk based on a public appeals to reject EA, 2) upskilling relatively large numbers of persons whose internal professionalism standards do not reflect those of global elites in time-effective communication norms requires specialized capacity investment and 3) sharing EA concepts in depth with a large number of individuals would constrain experts in the community.
There should be people who can (2) coach relevant professional communication while maintaining openness to an individual's expression and (3) people can be encouraged to engage with more senior people only after they extensively learn on their own and with peers, so EA should have the capacity to address these two concerns.
The remaining challenge in approaching the non-elite public is (1) minimizing reputational loss from public appeals to reject EA. This can be done by avoiding individuals who would be more likely to advocate against EA and developing narratives where such public rejections would benefit the community.
Thus, some relevant questions can cover opinions on the idea of continuous pro bono learning on how to benefit others to a greater extent, perspectives on preferred learning models, linking social media posting and EA-related learning motivations, and ads that would motivate respondents' peers to start learning. Then, the appropriate ads can be offered to low reputational loss risk and high participation potential audiences based on their social media activity.
In addition to gathering data on what advertisements would invite the right people to the community, I thought of gaining the determinants of persons' wellbeing in order to identify possible win-win solutions and conducting a network analysis to target nodes of influence that have the greatest wellbeing impact.
SoGive conducts research like this as part of its moral weights process.
Our first such study was last year and focused primarily on how much people value
We invested less effort in, but also explored
We were interested in comparing them against each other, and in a quantitative comparison (i.e. how much is one valued more than another)
We were motivated to conduct this research because our work is intended to serve a broad audience, and we wanted to incorporate the perspective of the population as a whole.
Because the questions we wanted to answer were quantitative, we posed quantitative questions in the survey. We found that several respondents gave answers which did not seem consistent, when consistency checks where included in the survey. This is a key challenge for this type of work, and suggests that a slightly more indirect approach to answering the questions may be more effective.