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New Webinar from Faunalytics: Bridging Conservative Values and Animal Advocacy

Faunalytics' latest study — Bridging U.S. Conservative Values And Animal Protection — can help give advocates a framework for both working with conservative lawmakers to pass pro-animal laws, and in crafting pro-animal messages that will resonate with the conservative public.

​In this panel, we will explore how to apply these findings to your work! First, learn about the study and the research from Faunalytics. Then, listen to our two guests — Max Broad from DC Voters for Animals and Roland Halpern from Colorado Voters for Animals — as they discuss how these ideas can be applied in their own interventions. Finally, you'll have a chance to ask any questions you have about political identity and animal protection!

​This webinar is ideal for political advocates, legislative advocates, or anyone who works with individuals from across the political spectrum with any intervention. The study focused on U.S. conservatives, but the panel will likely be illuminating for understanding conservatives in other countries as well.

Register here: Bridging Conservative Values and Animal Advocacy 

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