- I can directly observe AIs and make predictions of future training methods and their values seem to result from a much more heavily optimized and precise thing with less "slack" in some sense. (Perhaps this is related to genetic bottleneck, I'm unsure.)
Can you say more about how slack (or genetic bottleneck) would affect whether AIs have values that are good by human lights?
- Current AIs seem to use the vast, vast majority of their reasoning power for purposes which aren't directly related to their final applications. I predict this will also apply for internal high level reasoning of AIs. This doesn't seem true for humans.
In what sense do AIs use their reasoning power in this way? How that that affect whether they will have values that humans like?
I agree that bottlenecks like the ones you mention will slow things down. I think that's compatible with this being a "jump in forward a century" thing though.
Let's consider the case of a cure for cancer. First of all, even if it takes "years to get it out due to the need for human trials and to actually build and distribute the thing" AGI could still bring the cure forward from 2200 to 2040 (assuming we get AGI in 2035).
Second, the excess top-quality labour from AGI could help us route-around the bottlenecks you mentioned:
It seems to me like you disagree with Carl because you write:
- The reason for an investor to make a bet, is that they believe they will profit later
- However, if they believe in near-term TAI, savvy investors won't value future profits (since they'll be dead or super rich anyways)
- Therefore, there is no way for them to win by betting on near-term TAI
So you're saying that investors can't win from betting on near-term TAI. But Carl thinks they can win.
Thanks for these great questions Ben!
To take them point by point:
if they had explained why their views were not moved by the expert reviews OpenPhil has already solicited.
I included responses to each review, explaining my reactions to it. What kind of additional explanation were you hoping for?
Davidson 2021 on semi-informative priors received three reviews.
By my judgment, all three made strong negative assessments, in the sense (among others) that if one agreed with the review, one would not use the report's reasoning to inform decision-making in the manner advocated by Karnofsky (and by Beckstead).
For Hajek&Strasser's and Halpern’s reviews, I don't think "strong negative assessment" is supported by your quotes. The quotes focus on things like 'the reported numbers are too precise' and 'we should use more than a single probability measure' rather than whether the estimate is too high or too low overall or whether we should be worrying more vs less about TAI. I also think the reviews are more positive overall than you imply, e.g. Halpern's review says "This seems to be the most serious attempt to estimate when AGI will be developed that I’ve seen"
Davidson 2021 on explosive growth received many reviews... Two of them made strong negative assessments.
I agree that these two reviewers assign much lower probabilities to explosive growth than I do (I explain why I continue to disagree with them in my responses to their reviews). Again though, I think these reviews are more positive overall than you imply, e.g. Jones states that the report "is balanced, engaging a wide set of viewpoints and acknowledging debates and uncertainties... is also admirably clear in its arguments and in digesting the literature... engages key ideas in a transparent way, integrating perspectives and developing its analysis clearly and coherently." This is important as it helps us move from "maybe we're completely missing a big consideration" to "some experts continue to disagree for certain reasons, but we have a solid understanding of the relevant considerations and can hold our own in a disagreement".
Thanks for this!
I won't address all of your points right now, but I will say that I hadn't considered that "R&D is compensating for natural resources becoming harder to extract over time", which would increase the returns somewhat. However, my sense is that raw resource extraction is a small % of GDP, so I don't think this effect would be large.
Why is this different between AIs and humans? Do you expect AIs to care less about experience than humans, maybe bc humans get reward during life-time learning about AIs don't get reward during in context learning?