We’re happy to announce that the new EA Hub has launched. Our vision is to enable and inspire collaboration between EAs by making it easier for people to network, and work together on promising initiatives.
Connecting ideas with talent, resources and support is one of the biggest bottlenecks of high potential individuals and a cause of promising ideas not reaching fruition. By synchronising and showcasing projects, individuals, and groups, initiatives can build traction more effectively. The platform also links to other resources and platforms in the EA space, including the Effective Altruism Forum.
Over the last year, we’ve redesigned and rebuilt the Hub from scratch, with the help of dedicated and talented volunteers. In this release, we restore and improve most of the functionality from the original EA Hub. It includes:
- The ability to search for people (in the near future also based on cause area, skillset, job status, organisational affiliation, and availability for volunteer roles or speaking engagements).
- The capability to join or register a local group, to contact a group, to ‘claim’ a group, and to report a group inactive.
- The map of EAs, highlighting EA groups and personal profiles. The map now distinguishes between active and inactive groups.
- Customisable personal profiles.
Future Features
In the coming months, we will be building a feature for coordinating EA projects, and a cross-platform search functionality.
We anticipate the ‘Projects’ feature will offer an inventory of EA projects of all sizes, the option to express interest in an initiative, and enable project leads to signal opportunities for funding, volunteering, paid work, or partnership. Projects will be integrated into the map of EAs, and users will be able to display project roles on their profiles.
Our cross-platform search functionality will draw together results from relevant sources of information we use as a community. Doing this will consolidate existing resources, lower the navigation cost for users and multiply the impact of our collective work. As the product matures, we will take our cue from users when fine-tuning our functionality and future features.
The Hub will also serve to collate data on groups and movement trends year round, allowing records to be more seamlessly maintained. This should benefit group organisers, enabling them to track group metrics more easily. EA Survey data will also be integrated into the platform—we hope to offer data visualisations that will enable individuals and organisations outside of Rethink Charity to review and utilise longitudinal community research more easily.
In keeping with our ethos, we want to collaborate with other EA projects as much as possible. The Hub presently connects with the EA Forum, EA Work Club, PriorityWiki, EA Donation Swap and Effective Thesis. We expect to expand this list in the future, and we are very open to integrating relevant projects where mutually desirable.
Originally created by .impact in 2014, the new EA Hub has been delivered by LEAN, a project of Rethink Charity. As with the original website, EA Hub 2.0 has been created on a relatively small budget thanks to our generous donors and the efforts of our talented staff and volunteers:
Taymon Beal
Sebastian Becker
Alexander Herwix
Richenda Herzig
Marcin Kowrygo
Manoj Nathwani
Michal Trzesimiech
Nadia Williams
We’d also like to acknowledge the input of David Moss, Luke Freeman, Ozzie Gooen, Peter Hurford, Sarah Spikes, Katie Glass, David Furlong, and the Rethink Charity team.
If you’re as keen as we are to see the Hub reach its potential, the project has considerable room for funding, and we also welcome volunteers with software engineering experience. The Hub is open source and our repository can be found here.
To discuss ideas and collaboration, we suggest joining #rc-team-hub-public. You can also leave your feedback here.
If you’d like to keep an eye on new features, register your account and tick the box that allows us to send you our updates. If you have general questions about the Hub, reply below or send an email to lean@eahub.org.
Thanks, Peter! We're still spreading the news of the launch. We use several channels and get a very warm response, which is wonderful!
About the accuracy of the data on personal profiles, we've emailed all of our user base asking to update and activate their profiles (all 4000+ of our users will remain hidden before that takes place). We're confident that the number of people that join us will grow steadily as we add features (you can read about our plans in here https://eahub.org/about/).
The accuracy of the data on local groups will be assured by comparing it against the data we get from the Local Groups Survey. We work with a dedicated team at the Centre for Effective Altruism to make sure the data is clean day-to-day. We also trust that some of this responsibility will be taken from us by the Organizers. We will aim to make that easier for everyone with every future release.
I like your idea of enabling bulk messages and I posted it here https://feedback.eahub.org/. Everyone can add their own ideas or vote on those that are already here. We will treat the results very seriously when prioritising.