Imagine you are in charge of running the EA forum/LessWrong Petrov Day game. What would would you do?
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I think it's cool that the forum runs big events like this and I've enjoyed this one. Thanks to the team at CEA. I think it's fun to imagine what each of us would do if we were in charge.
This years game is described here.
Here a user asks for clarification on the purpose of the game.
It seems like the game would better approximate the game of mutually assured destruction if the two sides had unaligned aims somehow, and destroying the page could impede "their" ability to get in "our" way.
Maybe the site that gets more new registrations on Petrov day has the right to demand that the loser advertise something of their choice for 1 month after Petrov day. Preferably, make the competition something that will be close to 50/50 beforehand.
The two communities could try to negotiate an outcome acceptable to everyone or nuke the other to try to avoid having to trust them or do what they want.
Like Sanjay's answer, I think this is a correct diagnosis of a problem, but I think the advertising solution is worse than the problem.