As far as I know, there isn't that much funding or research in EA on AI sentience (though there is some? e.g. this)
I can imagine some answers:
- Very intractable
- Alignment is more immediately the core challenge, and widening the focus isn't useful
- Funders have a working view that additional research is unlikely to affect (e.g. that AIs will eventually be sentient?)
- Longtermist focus is on AI as an X-risk, and the main framing there is on avoiding humans being wiped out
But it also seems important and action-relevant:
- Current framing of AI safety is about aligning with humanity, but making AI go well for AI's could be comparably / more important
- Naively, if we knew AIs would be sentient, it might make 'prioritising AIs welfare in AI development' a much higher impact focus area
- It's an example of an area that won't necessarily attract resources / attention from commercial sources
(I'm not at all familiar with the area of AI sentience and posted without much googling, so please excuse any naivety in the question!)
Relatedly but not an answer to the question: I am currently working on a survey of AI researchers on AI sentience/subjective experience with Jeff Sebo, Lucius Caviola, Joshua Lewis, Kate Mays, and David Chalmers. I also know that the Mind, Ethics, and Policy Program at NYU has relevant ongoing projects.