Amazon / Upwork hybrid where all the sellers/buyers/freelancers are EAs.
Many EA run businesses would offer better deals to EAs
EAs trust each other more than strangers
The cost of being a bad buyer / seller are much higher (so people behave better)
10% commission to cover running costs, all proceeds fund community projects
You can only sign up via a refferals (once initial users recruited)
Classic stars out of 5 rating system for rating products/services
How to vote
Agreevote on "yes" to vote yes
Agreevote on "no" to vote no
Overcome, the world greatest mental health charity, offer free behaviour change coaching for EAs (I'm not biased)
GoalsWon offer free accountability buddy services to EAs (especially founders)
Amber Dawn does paid editing for EA forum posts
There's a bunch of therapists who specialise in EAs
I offer coaching for EAs wanting to start a charity on a tiny budget, and writing/editing for important emails / grant applications etc
Mind Ease have an app they're willing to give to EAs for free (anxiety).
There's a load