The Effective Altruism Forum is a platform run by the Centre for Effective Altruism to facilitate discussions relevant to effective altruism and coordinate related projects.
Here are some resources for Forum users:
You can also sign up for the EA Forum Digest, a weekly email that goes out to subscribers to share some of our favorite EA Forum posts from the past week. We usually include some question or request posts, and we’re starting to share a “classic Forum post” per week, too. You can find some recent issues here.
First and foremost, I would like to sincerely thank all the people working at the CEA, as well as all likemind people working around the globe.
Mine is to seek advise. I want someone to mentor me on how to join a project or even help me start one.
I have spent almost half of my life working with non-governmental organizations on various projects.
Mainly, I have worked in HIV/AIDs, poverty reduction with rural farmers trade Union movement, and informal economy workers, or street workers.
Please, feel free to ask for my CV.
Victor Phiri