I found this post by Rob Bensinger of anonymous comments on EA from 2017 , with the question prompt:
If you could magically change the effective altruism community tomorrow, what things would you change? [...] If possible, please mark your level of involvement/familiarity with EA[.].
Many still resonate today. I recommend reading the whole list, but there are a lot - so I've chosen a few highlights and comment exchanges I thought were particularly interesting. I've shortened a few for brevity (indicated by ellipses).
I don't agree with many of these comments, but it's interesting to see how people perceived things back then.
Related: Should the EA community be cause-first or member-first?
#28 - on people dismissing those who start as "ineffective altruists" (top voted comment with 23 karma)
I have really positive feelings towards the effective altruism community on the whole. I think EA is one of the most important ideas out there right now.
... (read more)However, I think that there is a lot of hostility in the movement towards those of us who started off as 'ineffective altruists,' as opposed to coming from the more typical Silicon
Suggestion for EA Forum posts: First Draft
Create a new type of post - a "First Draft" post, with it's own section "WIP". Basically like the current collaborative draft mode editing, but public.
This could be a expansion / continuation of the "amnesty day" posts, but more ongoing and more focused on changing the culture of the post.
Reflecting on the question of CEA's mandate, I think it's challenging that CEA has always tried to be both, and this has not worked out well.
1) a community org
2) a talent recruitment org
When you're 1) you need to think about the individual's journey in the movement. You invest in things like community health and universal groups support. It's important to have strong lines of communication and accountability to the community members you serve. You think about the individual's journey and how to help addres those issues. (Think your local Y, community center or church)
When you're 2) you care about finding and supporting only the top talent (and by extension actors that aid you in this mission). You care about having a healthy funnel of individuals who are at the top of their game. You care about fostering an environment that is attractive (potentially elite), prestigious and high status. (Think Y-Combinator, Fullbright or Emergent Ventures Fellows).
I think these goals are often overlapping and self-reinforcing, but also at odds with each other.
It is really hard to thread that needle well - it requires a lot of nuanced, high-fidelity communication - which in turn requires a lot... (read more)
(Pretty confident about the choice, but finding it hard to explain the rationale)
I have started using "member of the EA community" vs "EAs" when I write publicly.
Previously I cared a lot less about using these terms interchangeabley, mainly because referring to myself as an EA didn't seem inaccurate, it's quicker and I don't really see it as tying my identity closely to EA, but over time have changed my mind for a few reasons:
Many people I would consider "EA" in the sense that they work on high impact causes, socially engage with other community members etc. don't consider themselves EA, might I think would likely consider themselves community members. I wonder if they read things about what "EAs" should do and don't think it applies to them.
Using the term "an EA" contributes to the sense that there is one (monolithic?) identity that's very core to a person's being. E.g. if you leave the community do you lose a core part of your identity?
Finally it also helps be specific about the correct reference class. E.g consider terms like "core EAs" with "leaders of EA-aligned organisations" or "decision makers at leading EA meta organisations" or "thought leaders of the EA community". (there is also a class for people who don't directly wield power but have influence over decision makers, I'm not sure what a good phrase to describe this role is).
Interested in thoughts!
There are people who I would consider "EA" who I wouldn't consider a "community member" (e.g. if they were not engaging much with other people in the community professionally or socially), but I'd be surprised if they label themselves "EA" (maybe they want to keep their identity small, or don't like being associated with the EA community).
Fwiw, I am broadly an example of this category, which is partly why I raised the example: I strongly believe in EA and engage in EA work, but mostly don't interact with EAs outside professional contexts. So I would say "I am an EA", but would be less inclined to say "I am a member of the EA community" except insofar as this just means believes in EA/does EA work.
Curious if people have tried to estimate the cost of burnout.
The things I think we should care about, but without numbers or estimates:
Note: This is collected from a number of people in an EA facebook group that I found in my google drive. I figured it was worth posting up as a shortform in case others find it valuable.
(very) Quick Reflections on EAG 2021
Most of these are logistical / operational things on how I can improve my own experience at EAG
Status: This was a post i'd drafted 4 years ago on climate change in EA. Not sure I stand by all of it, but I thought it might be worth sharing.
What this post is NOT saying:
* depriortise other cause areas
* redirect significant resources fromt other cause areas
* the average EA should go into climate change or become a climate scientist/advocate
* the average EA has comparative advantage in climate change
What this post IS saying
* having an EA org or projects related to climate change w... (read more)
Collection of Constraints in EA
Mini Collection - Non-typical EA Movement Building
Basically, these are ways of spreading EA ideas, philosophies or furthering concrete EA goals in ways that are different from the typical community building models that local groups use.
Suggestions welcome!
I created a Guesstimate model to estimate a total of ~14,000 to 100,000 person-hours or ~7 to 51 FTE are spent per year (90% CI). This comes to an estimated USD $ 320,000 to $3,200,000 unpaid labour time.
Sources: My own experience as a recruiter, applying to EA jobs and interviewing staff at some EA orgs.
Edited the unpaid labour time to reflect Linch's suggestions.
How valuable is building a high-quality (for-profit) event app for future EA conferences?
There are 6 eag(x) conferences a year. this number will probably increase over time and more conferences will come up as EA grows- I'd expect somewhere between 80-200 EA-related conferences and related events in the next 10 years. This includes cause-area specific conferences, like Catalyst and other large events.
A typical 2.5 day conference with on average ~300 attendees spending 30 hours = 9,000 man-hours would be a range of 720,000-1,800,000 man hours over 10 years. Of this time, I'd expect 90% to be taken up doing meetings, attending events, eating etc. Of the remaining 10%, so 7,200-18,000 saving 1% of this time is in the range of 7,200- 18,000 hours or roughly seems pretty useful!
For reference, 1 year of work (a 40 hours work-week for 50 weeks) = 2000 hours.
PROPOSAL: EA Career Coaches - quick evaluation
Experimenting to see what kind of feedback this gets and whether it's useful to share very early stage thoughts publicly. If anyone is interested or already exploring this topic, feel free to reach out, I have written up a (slightly more indepth) proposal I can share.
Problem: There might be many people in EA that could benefit from career coaching.
Size: I estimate ~300 to 1000 (60% CI) people might be underconfident or less ambitious than they might be. 80K frequently mentions underconfidence. These are people with basic intro knowledge but are unable to make career progress due to miscalibration, lack of knowledge, negative feelings associated with networking / applying etc.
Tractability: Career coaches are very common & help people become confident and land dream jobs / improve their current career situation.
Neglectedness: Seems unlikely to me that existing coaches cover this need. I am also fairly confident that existing groups / CBs do not cover this need.
Proposal: An EA career coach who's: Improving client's calibration on good fit positions (both EA & non-EA) Giving practical advice & guidance (e.g. resumes, interviews,... (read more)
Reflections on making commiting to a specific career path
Imagine Alisha is making a decision whether to pursue job X or job Y. She is currently leaning in favor of job X 55% to 45%, so decides to pursue job X. Over the next couple years, Alisha gains knowledge and expertise as an Xer, and is passionate and excited by her job. She's finding new opportunities and collaborations, and things are going well. But she often wonders if things would have gone even better if she went with job Y.
I believe that you get a lot more value from committing to o... (read more)
Project: More expert object-level observations & insights
Many subject matter experts with good object-level takes don't post on the forum because they perceive the bar is too high
This is an open question. The following list is intended to be a starting point for conversation. Where possible tried to make these examples as shovel-ready as possible. It would be great to hear more ideas, or examples of successfully implemented things.
Thanks to Abi Olvera, Nathan Young, Ben Millwood, Adam Gleave & Arjun Khandelwal for many of these suggestions.
Create a range of space(s) to discuss failure of any size.
Many colleges and universities have access via their libraries to a number of periodicals, papers, journals etc. But once you graduate, you lose access
With something like sci-hub we don't really need access to many things on the academic side.
But it seems valuable for EAs to not be pay-walled for access to various journals or news outlets (e.g. Harvard Business Review or Wall Street Journal or something) if they want to do resaerch (if there's a sci-hub for stuff like that that could also work!)
We could probably develop this in ... (read more)
I plan to keep adding and refining this list over time, I've just put my current list here in case anyone else has ideas.
Movement Building: Any work to build a movement including but not limited to: community infrastructure, community building, cause, field or discipline development and outreach. Movement building does not need to involve using or spreading the EA brand.
Movement building is a subset of "Meta EA" or "meta altruism".
Types of Movement Building:
Community Infrastructure: The development of community-wide products and services that help develop the community. Online examples include building wikis, forums, tools and websites. Offline examples include conferences, community houses, and regional networks.
Note: Some community infrastructure may be limited to certain subgroups within the community, such as events and services for leaders or affiliated organisations. Such events might still provide benefits to the wider community, especially when they improve coordination and communication, and where relevant should be considered as infrastructure.
Community Building: Influencing individuals to take actions based o... (read more)
I was going to post something for careers week but it was delayed for various reasons (including the mandatory last minute rewrite). I plan to post it in the next couple of weeks.
Meta-level thought:
When asking about resources, a good practice might be to mention resources you've already come across and why those sources weren't helpful (if you found any), so that people don't need to recommend the most common resources multiple times.
Also, once we have an EA-relevant search engine, it would be useful to refer people to that even before they ask a question in case that question has been asked or that resource already exists.
The primary goal of both suggestions would be to make questions more specific, in-depth and hopefully either expanding movement knowledge or identifying gaps in knowledge. The secondary goal would be to save time!
How important is it to measure the medium term (5-50 years) impact of interventions?
I think that taking the medium-term impact into account is especially lacking in the meta space, since building out infrastructure is exactly the kind of project that could take several years to set up with little progress before gains are made.
I'd also be interested in how many /which organisations plan to measure their impact on this 5-50 year timescale. I think it would be very interesting to see the impact of various GH&D charities on a 5 or 10 year timescale.
The Local Career Advice Network recently completed a pilot workshop to help group organiers develop and implement robust career 1-1 strategies. During this process we compiled all existing EA careers advice & strategy, and found several open questions. This post provides an overview of the different kinds of careers research one could do. We will write more posts trying to explain the value of the different kinds of research.
Reasons for/against Facebook & plans to migrate the community out of there
Epistemitc Status: My very rough thoughts. I am confident of the reasons for/against, but the last section is mostly speculation so I won't attempt to clarify my certainty levels
Reasons for moving away from Facebook
Another possible reason against might be:
In some countries there is a growing number of people who intentionally don't use Facebook. Even if their reasons for their decision may be flawed, it might make recruiting more difficult. While I perceive this as quite common among German academics, Germany might also just be an outlier.
... (read more)Moving certain services found on Facebook to other sites: [...], making it easier for people to reach out to each other (e.g. EA Hub Community directory). Then it may be easier to move whatever is left (e.g. discussions) to a new pl
What are the low-hanging fruit or outliers of EA community building?
(where community building is defined as growing the number of engaged EAs who are likely to take medium-to-large sized actions in accordance to the EA values and/or framework. it could include group activities, events, infrastructure building, resource)
Low hanging fruits
The day before Giving Tuesday, I made a donation to a EA Facebook charity that had seen no donations in a few weeks. After I donated to about 3 other people donated within the next 2 hours (well before the Giving Tuesday start time). From what I remember, the total amount increased by more than the minimum amount and the individuals appeared not to be affiliated with EA, so it seems possible that this fundraiser might have somehow been raised to their attention. (Of cour
... (read more)CGD launched a Global Skills Partnership program to reduce brain drain and improve migration (https://gsp.cgdev.org/)
It would be interesting to think about this from the perspective of EA groups, where brain drain is quite common. Part of their solution is to offer training and recognized certifications to a broader group of people in the home country to increase the overall pool of talent.
I will probably add more thoughts in the coming days when I have time to read the case studies in more depth.
After one year of applying for EA jobs: It is really, really hard to get hired by an EA organisation by EA Applicant. Most upvoted post on the forum, sparked a lot of recent discussion on the topic. 8 commenters resonated with OP on the time investment and/or disappointment (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). There were 194 unique upvotes.
My mistakes on the path to impact by Denise Melchin. Another highly upvoted post talking about the emphasis on working at EA organisations and direct EA work. There we... (read more)
I brainstormed a list of questions that might help evaluate how promising climate change adaptation efforts would be.
Would anyone have any additions/feedback or answers to these questions?
Is anyone aware of/planning on doing any research related to the expected spike in interest for pandemic research due to COVID?
It would be interesting to see how much new interest is generated, and for which types of roles (e.g. doctors vs researchers). This could be useful to a) identify potential skilled biosecurity recruits b) find out what motivated them about COVID-19 c) figure out how neglected this will be in 5-10 years
I'd imagine doing a survey after the pandemic starts to die down might be more valuable than right now (maybe after the
Status: Very rough, I mainly want to know if there's already some research/thinking on this.
Another possible reason against might be:
In some countries there is a growing number of people who intentionally don't use Facebook. Even if their reasons for their decision may be flawed, it might make recruiting more difficult. While I perceive this as quite common among German academics, Germany might also just be an outlier.
I think the EA Hub is in a good position to grow and replace some of the functions that Facebook is currently being used for in the community.