Forthcoming in Public Affairs Quarterly:
Effective altruism sounds so innocuous—who could possibly be opposed to doing good, more effectively? Yet it has inspired significant backlash in recent years. This paper addresses some common misconceptions, and argues that the core "beneficentric" ideas of effective altruism are both excellent and widely neglected. Reasonable people may disagree on details of implementation, but all should share the basic goals or values underlying effective altruism.
Woah, a really nice article that identified the most common criticisms of EA that I've come across, namely, cause prioritization, earning to give, billionaire philanthropy, and longtermism. Funnily enough, I've come across these criticisms on the EA forum more than anywhere else!
But it's nice to see a well-researched, external, and in-depth review of EA's philosophy, and as a non-philosopher, I found it really accessible too. I would like to see an article of a similar style arguing against EA principles though. Does anyone know where I can find something like that? A search for EA criticism on the web brings up angry journalists and media articles that often miss the point.
You can take a look at the ‘Further reading’ section of criticism of effective altruism, the articles so tagged, and the other tags starting with “criticism of” in the ‘Related entries’ section.