I joined the community in about [redacted to protect anonymity] or so when I joined [redacted]. Since then I have been at various times:
- an EA group organizer
- an EA conference attendee
- in dysfunctional romantic relationships with people in and around this community
- in mutually beneficial friendships with people in and around this community
- employed in a vaguely aligned role
I am currently:
- unemployed
- severely depressed
- experiencing suicidal and homicidal ideation
- about one month away from being out of money
- overwhelmed by the pressure of EA itself
- did I mention that EA is pressuring?
Also in case you were wondering for demographic purposes, I am:
- between 25 and 29
- identify as male (obviously, women aren't this cringe)
- sexual orientation is "prefer not to say"
- ethnicity is "mixed"
- I live in an English speaking country (!)
I feel like I can't go on for much longer and I've been talking about my """theoretical""" suicidal plans with more frequency and with more people. Today I talked about what I would put in a suicide note to someone which feels like a new level for me. Consider this note as part of "getting my affairs in order" as it's called in the suicidology literature.
Please don't send me the usual links to suicide hotlines like I already don't have all that information. It just comes across as shallow and lacking real human connection. Also don't send me that goddamn lesswrong post about dealing with a crisis, or the nate soares post about half assing it with all you've got. If you're going to respond I kindly ask that you just write your own material.
I really do believe that putting this kind of content on the forum serves a purpose which is to let people know that they aren't the only ones out there having a hard time. If you're reading this right now and relate to anything I've said then just know that right now, in this moment, our neurons are connected through this wonderful medium called the internet.
For the rest of you, keep trying hard to save the world I guess. I'll be back when I can open my mouth without immediately being problematic.
Hi there - I wanted to offer to be another person for you to talk to if you've already spoken to all the other nice people that have left comments. I'm no expert, but I will listen! (You can message me on here)