In this new podcast episode, I discuss with Will MacAskill what the Effective Altruism community can learn from the FTX / SBF debacle, why Will has been limited in what he could say about this topic in the past, and what future directions for the Effective Altruism community and his own research Will is most enthusiastic about:
In general (whether realist or anti-realist), there is "no clear link" between axiological certainty and oppressive behavior, precisely because there are further practical norms (e.g. respect for rights, whether instrumentally or non-instrumentally grounded) that mediate between evaluation and action.
You suggest that it "seems only intuitive/natural" that an anti-realist should avoid being "too politically certain that what they believe is what everyone ought to believe." I'm glad to hear that you're naturally drawn to liberal tolerance. But many human beings evidently aren't! It's a notorious problem for anti-realism to explain how it doesn't just end up rubber-stamping any values whatsoever, even authoritarian ones.
Moral realists can hold that liberal tolerance is objectively required as a practical norm, which seems more robustly constraining than just holding it as a personal preference. So the suggestion that "moral realism" is "problematic" here strikes me as completely confused. You're implicitly comparing a realist authoritarian with an anti-realist liberal, but all the work is being done by the authoritarian/liberal contrast, not the realist/antirealist one. If you hold fixed people's first-order views, not just about axiology but also about practical norms, then their metaethics makes no further difference.
That said, I very much agree about the "weirdness" of turning to philosophical uncertainty as a solution. Surely philosophical progress (done right) is a good thing, not a moral threat. But I think that just reinforces my alternative response that empirical uncertainty vs overconfidence is the real issue here. (Either that, or -- in some conceivable cases, like an authoritarian AI -- a lack of sufficient respect for the value of others' autonomy. But the problem with someone who wrongly disregards others' autonomy is not that they ought to be "morally uncertain", but that they ought to positively recognize autonomy as a value. That is, they problematically lack sufficient confidence in the correct values. It's of course unsurprising that having bad moral views would be problematic!)